9 EASY Tips On How To Get Inspired When All Hope Is Gone

9 EASY Tips On How To Get Inspired When All Hope Is Gone

Source: The Freedom Experiment

We all have dreams and aspirations but something can happen into our lives and suddenly all the energy we had is gone.

Here are 9 tips to get back the spark and inspiration in your life and feel alive again!

1. Have a list
Sit down with pen and paper and make a list of everything that you love. Include all the things, people and concepts you are attracted to, passionate about and interested in. Don’t limit yourself.

2. Take opposite action
Very often, what we most feel like doing is not what would help us the most. So if you’re having low energy, you often feel like hanging staying at home, while getting out and doing something actually would be more helpful.

The same thing goes for feeling uninspired because we often don’t feel like doing anything.

So whatever it is you want to be doing right now – try experimenting with doing the opposite.

Sometimes doing something you’ve never done before will excite and ignite you like nothing else.

3. Loosen up
Being uninspired and feeling detached often has a physical component, as we very often end up stationary or doing physically slow things. A good way to guide yourself to a better mental state is to do something physical.

Anything that will move and stretch your body will help you thinking become more flexible too.

4. Pump up your creativity
Even though you might not feel particularly creative, doing something that requires you to stop thinking and start doing is usually a great way of getting inspired.

5. Talk about your dreams
Tell a friend about something you would like to do one day. Try to describe it in as much detail as possible. If you don’t have a friend you can talk to about this, try writing it all out.

See if you can reconnect with a dream by thinking differently, or connect with a new dream entirely.

6. Smile and laugh more
Smiling and laughing – even faking it will make you feel happier.

7. Do what interests you the most
You might feel like nothing excites you but there is something in this wide world of possibilities that is more interesting than other things.

8. Don’t  isolate yourself or over-think
Don’t isolate yourself by staying in too much, and don’t think too much about what to do, why it’s not working, where to go and so on. In other words; do the work, get out there and spend more time acting than thinking!

9. Accept
It is what it is. And right now you are not in the zone. And that is alright! Just accepting your situation will make you even happier.

Try applying these tips in your life and you will feel more inspired than ever.

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