Do Ladies Who Pursue Technical & Complex Courses Ignore Their Looks?

Do Ladies Who Pursue Technical & Complex Courses Ignore Their Looks?

By Jane Okoth,

It has been said over and over again that beauty with brains do not really match but how true is this theory?

Many tend to argue over the fact that ladies who pursue technical or serious courses do not really care about their looks.

Talk about ladies in male dominated complex careers would hardly cover their faces with makeup but is the perception true?

“It is very true, says Magdalene Abunga, a sales representative at a leading supermarket in town.

“When was the last time you saw an engineer with lipstick or with perfectly done make up? she asks.

“No way because most of them have either decided to shave their hair for some strange reason and some are losing their feminine side.

They seem to have it all but they really need to take care of themselves.” She says.

“As a man, I would prefer a lady who has brains rather than just one who has only physical looks” says Charles Mabior, a student at a private university.

“It may be true but does not matter if she does not groom herself to the standards.

Things have changed nowadays and gone were the days when women used to be rated based on their looks and appearances.”

Celestine Mwita does not agree at all. “That is not true at all because I have seen engineers, doctors and technicians who know how to take care of themselves.

I have however come across those who don’t and I think that is their own preference and choice.”

But she adds that “For some reason I do agree with you because it is true. I think that these ladies would have looked better but the problem they have is time.

Their jobs do have a lot of responsibilities so wearing makeup in the morning and washing it off in the evening is the last thing on their minds,” she concludes.

“Not only women who pursue technical careers but also those who have complex and demanding jobs,” opines Martha Kabura, a student at a reputable public university.

“I can hardly trace the number of our female university lecturers who have makeup and take time to change their hairstyles at least once in a month.

Seriously they need to do something about themselves. Apart from your achievements one would be concerned even if it a little about your appearance.

For some reason, beauty and brains do blend very well together,” she concludes.

“At the end of the day, the main focus is whether your career is on the right track or not,” says Liz Atieno, a computer engineer at a leading IT company.

“But I have to say that women who concentrate so much in their looks are not so bright upstairs. No offence but that is the bitter truth.

I can certainly do without makeup but I would be completely irrelevant without my career because it is not really a priority,” she concludes.

Do you agree that ladies are too serious with their careers and end up forgetting their appearances?

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