5 Best Tips Proven For Coping With Stress At Work

By Elizabeth Ndembei

We all have at some point experienced job stress and we all handle it differently. It’s often said not all stress is bad, but learning how to deal and manage is the, most important thing. Most jobs have stressful elements despite how much you love your job. When work stress gets chronic, it can burn you out causing harm both physically and emotionally.

Today’s work environment has become so erratic, characterized with job insecurities, delayed salaries, cut-throat competition and deadline pressure we cannot escape the stress triggers. Let’s not forget the household pressure and your ever nagging caretaker “Gitonga” come 3rd or 5th of the month when he wants all the rental expenses paid.

Common workplace stressors include; Low salaries, fear of being laid off, pressure to perform optimally at all levels, few advancement and growth opportunities, lack of social support, unclear performance expectations, and work that is not challenging or engaging. It’s unfortunate that work stress does not disappear once we leave the office building. Taking steps to manage stress at work is important and that is what we are going to discuss how to go about it.

5 Best Tips Proven For Coping With Stress At Work

1.Identify your stressors

Tracking the source of your stress at work is the first step towards stress management. Take time and identify the things that make you stress at work, list them down and include how they made you feel. Having something to guide you will ensure that you smartly, avoid the stresses and work around them to develop healthy responses.

Identify healthy responses that work for you such as taking a walk, exercising, engaging in your hobbies whether its playing Candy crush or Mortal combat. Do that thing that makes you feel at peace.

2.Reach out

Remember that old adage, “A problem shared is half solved”? Good. Sharing as is proved to be a good way of stress reliever. Sharing with that friend or that stranger who will not judge you harshly will provide you with sympathy and support that you are looking for. Co-workers can be a good source of moral support as they are in the same environment and having someone to help you blow off some steam at the earliest convenience and face-to-face is very important.

I know you are there saying how you don’t have a close buddy at the office, why don’t you direct your attention to them during your break rather directing it to your smartphone or that tablet and interact.

Read Also>>> 4 Signs You Are Working Too Hard Than You Should 

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