Find Out 5 Top Signs That Shows Your Boss Is A Psychopath

Find Out 5 Top Signs That Shows Your Boss Is A Psychopath

Have you ever thought that you have a crazy boss? A study found that one out of 25 people in managerial positions in organisations are psychopaths and they are able to disguise it because of their status and manipulation.

According to the study, you could have a psychopath for a boss and not even know it. This is because they tend to be very charming which can, in turn, be viewed as charisma a great leadership quality.

The study found out that almost four percent of bosses are psychopaths. These are people holding positions such as vice president of a company, CEO and directors among other managerial positions.

According to the results, psychopathic bosses are actually very poor managers, but due to their natural charming tendencies, they are able to charm their superiors and people working under them making them think they are good bosses.

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Because of this, it is almost impossible to determine who is a truly good boss and who is a psychopath.

However, by looking at their performance in terms of productivity and managerial skills, one can easily tell the difference because a psychopathic boss will have very poor performance whereas a good boss will have great performance.

A psychopathic boss will use manipulation, intimidation charm and many more tactics in order to manipulate you.

Characteristics of Psychopathic bosses

1. Lack of empathy

This is a profound characteristic of psychopathic bosses. They are selfish and cannot really put themselves in anyone else’s shoes.

2. Lack of conscience

According to the study, psychopathic bosses do not feel any remorse whatsoever. They do not feel bad about anything they do, whether it hurts someone else or not.

They put their own needs in front of everybody else’s and do not feel bad about it.

For example, Diana once asked for help in dealing with a boss who openly told her that she does not like her and will do everything in her power to ensure she is fired or quits. The boss goes to the extent of telling Diana’s colleagues not to talk to her.

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3. They are very arrogant.

These bosses are usually very egotistical and tend to think they are above the rules. Such bosses usually have an exaggerated view of their own self-worth and as such view everybody else as unworthy.

A good example of this is someone who easily discredits other people’s ideas and claims to have better ones. They also refuse to take responsibility for anything that goes wrong.

So what is the best way to deal with psychopathic bosses?

It is important to remember that you cannot do anything to change the person or control how they behave towards you.

It is best to just keep your head down and avoid any confrontations as much as you can. Try not to take their actions personally. Instead, focus on doing your work properly.

If push comes to shove, you can always discuss your worries with your boss’s boss, but only as a last resort as this can easily backfire on you.

By Michelle Wanjiku

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