How To Answer ‘How Did You Hear About The Position?’

How To Answer ‘How Did You Hear About The Position?’

By Michelle Wanjiku

You are likely to come across the question ‘how did you hear about the position?’ in your next interview. Do you know how to answer it? Will your answer guarantee you the position or will it disqualify you? In this article, we give you tips on how to answer the question and a sample answer to help guide you.

When it comes to interviews, setting yourself apart from other candidates is what will help you get the job. You want to be memorable in a good way. So how do you go about answering ‘how did you hear about the position?’

Knowing the motive of the interviewer will help you know how to answer the question, ‘how did you hear about the position?’

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According to Melody Mwendwa, an Interview Coach, by asking you ‘how did you hear about the position?’ the recruiter is trying to find out if you took the time to study the role and match their requirements to your own.

This is a great way for employers to figure out if you are an active job seeker or a passive one. This can sometimes be a reflection of what kind of employee you will be.

How not to answer ‘how did you hear about the position?’

1. Giving a long answer on why this is the only job you want.

The question ‘how did you hear about the position?’ requires a short answer. The recruiter wants to know how you found out about the position. Going into a long explanation as to why you cannot imagine ever working anywhere else is uncalled for.

Long answers that do not really give any relevant information will put off the employer.

Instead say something like; “I found it on Career Point Kenya and because I have wanted to work for the organisation for so long, I was excited to find the opening.”

2. Do not give short one-word answers.

Now it may seem contradictory since the point above says keep your answer short. One word answers may come off as rude so it is best to avoid them. It also does nothing to help you show that you truly are interested in the position.

Answering ‘how did you hear about the position?’ with something like, “through Career Point Kenya,” does nothing for you other than deny you the chance to prove that you are fit for the job.

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Tips to help you answer ‘how did you hear about the position?’

The answer you give depends on how you found out about the position.

Ms. Mwendwa also states that, “Apart from stating how you found out about the position, you should also let the interviewer know that you reviewed the job description and point out the important qualifications you posses for the position from the company’s perspective,”

First, you need to start by clearly stating how you heard about the position. Give the name of the website, newspaper or person who told you about the job opening. However, there is no need to explain anything else.

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The next step is telling the recruiter why you applied for the job. What drew you to the position? This will show that you truly are interested in the position and are not just applying to get a job.

Now, the next step is to briefly explain why you are qualified for the position. Remember, your answer to the ‘how did you hear about the position?’ question should also show that you are the best candidate for the position.

Lastly, you need to show that you really are excited about the opportunity. Show that you are enthusiastic about the possibility of landing the job.

Sample answer to ‘how did you hear about the position?’

“I heard about this position through Career Point Kenya. After reviewing the position and researching the organisation, I felt that I am qualified for the position and was excited about the possibility of joining your organisation.”

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The only way to ensure you have a successful interview is by preparing beforehand. This involves familiarizing yourself with the questions you might be asked and coming up with answers that make you look like the best fit for the position.

Do you have any question on how to answer ‘how did you hear about the position?’Leave a comment below.
