Job Searching? 4 Ways to Create Your Own Target Company List

Job Searching? 4 Ways to Create Your Own Target Company List

By Susan Gitonga

Most job seekers desire to work with great companies in Kenya with good benefits and working environment. But you will agree with me that not many end up with the companies they desire.

In this article, I will take you step by step on how you can create your own target company list and give you tips on how to end up there.

How to Build Your Own Target Company List

1. Create a wishlist of companies

If you are going to conduct a job search, you might as well think BIG, right, and aim to work where you really would like to work? What is it about those companies that would inspire you to work for them?

Write down those traits and use that to springboard you’re thinking to come up with other companies that seem to embody those same traits and philosophies.

Let’s use an example of PwC. PwC is one of the best companies to work for in Kenya. It has firms in 157 countries and 756 locations.

It also has been ranked by Wikipedia as the most Luxurious Company to work for in the whole world, not to mention a great salary and benefits.

So the first step is to create a list of companies you would enjoy working for.

Dream big and don’t be intimidated by how big a Company might be. Write it down.

2. Apply the CAVAC Model to build this target list

A CAVAC model is a process that allows job seekers to create a stream of new ideas pertaining to potential companies where they may find their next job.

The first C’s – represent the Company’s clients. The A’s- represent associations and companies that resemble the target Company’s core business. The V- Represents the Vendors

For all the Companies on your wishlist identify their clients, their rivals, and vendors. Each company listed can be a possible entry on your developed target list.

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3. Expand your list by repeating the CAVAC Model.

For example, expand your PwC wish by identifying its clients, vendors and affiliate associations. From these findings, use the CAVAC model on one of the clients you identify. Who are these clients? Who are their rivals and vendors?

Continue expanding your list and adding new possible companies you can surely work for, down from the PwC wishlist.

4. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Use job sites as information portals, and not just job portals.

Online job postings are an indicator of who is hiring. So if you discover a great company through an online job posting, but it is not the right job for you, use it as evidence that the company is hiring.

If they are hiring sales managers, consider approaching the company outlining how you are an exceptional client service director and correlate how your accomplishments can become an asset to the prospective firm.

Don’t wait for the job opening to become available-use what is there to craft your own proposal.

Think outside the box.

When it comes to job searching, it’s always great to have a reference point, in form of list you are working with. As we have seen, you can create a target company list that is very broad and you can customize your qualifications to fit the company’s need.

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Susan is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email: