Help! My Boss Calls Me At Odd Hours. What Should I Do?

Help! My Boss Calls Me At Odd Hours. What Should I Do?

The workplace is a complex environment with various relationships that need to be carefully fostered. In order to be truly comfortable at your place of work, you need to make sure you have a good working relationship with your employer and colleagues.

So what happens when you feel like the boundary has been crossed and the relationship you thought was professional becomes inappropriate? Here is one such story.

This is Eunice’s Story

I have been working for the past 3 years at the same company. I was lucky enough to get hired in a startup straight out of college. Every day, I felt like I had to prove my worth to my employer and so I worked harder than anyone else. In my mind, the only way I could succeed was by fighting for it.

The working hours are great and I earn a comfortable salary, which has only been revised once ever since I started. I know that one day, it will be what I am hoping for. I am part of a great team that supports me and helps me work constantly on improving my skills.

So far so good. The only problem I have is that lately, my boss’s behaviour towards me has really changed. He now makes a point of calling me at very late hours to ask about issues that, to be honest, either don’t make sense or can wait until the next day at the office.

Initially, I just thought he was this type of people who are very forgetful and that with time, he would get his act together. However, the behaviour has become more intense over the past couple of months.

I live with my fiance so he did not think it was funny that my boss kept calling me so late at night. It became so bad that he started pressuring me to quit my job. The problem is that I need the money and I cannot leave before I get another job.

To try and fix the situation, I started going to the boss’ office at the end of the day, to ask if there was anything else he required me to do. He would say there was nothing and in the evening, I would still receive his calls.

I further went to the extent of asking my colleagues if they also received the late night calls and to my surprise, no one else got a call outside of working hours. My relationship is on the verge of collapse and I do not want to lose my job.

What is the best way to address this issue with my boss without seeming confrontational and disrespectful? I really need him to stop calling me at such late hours of the night, but I still need my job. Please advise me.

What is your advice for Eunice? Leave your comments below

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