10 Surprisingly Small Ways You Are Losing Respect At Work

10 Surprisingly Small Ways You Are Losing Respect At Work

So you are that kind of employee who is always doing a superb job in the office. You come in early and leave late. You are not only completing your tasks but you are also doing them to the best of your ability. I guess you can say that you are the best thing that ever happened to the organization.

However, there is just on one thing. No matter how good the job you are doing is or how awesome you think you are no one seems to respect you. Not your boss, colleagues or even the new intern.

While your first instinct may be that you are working with a bunch of ingrates who never appreciate anything your do, your second clue might be that it’s you.

It’s never a great feeling admitting that it’s your fault that nobody seems to like you. However, like everyone who has been in your situation, you might just be committing some teeny tiny fixable office mistakes.

With just a few changes, you might go back to being the best and most respected employee in the organization.

Related: Top 5 Shameful Office Sins To Stay Clear Of 

1. You are always coming to meetings late

Your ideas might be the best and even the ones that turn things around, but if you are always late for all those brainstorming meetings that won’t matter. What will happen is your colleagues will end up hating you for all those “sorry, running late” texts.

Make a schedule that incorporates all the activities of the day so that you are never late for another meeting ever.

2. You are always on the phone

We live in an era where social media has taken over most aspects of our lives. While in the office, there are projects to complete and emails to reply to and you also have to send cute texts to your friends.

You are likely to lose respect if you are always on the phone instead of focusing on your job. It’s even worse when you are on your phone when someone is talking to you.

3. You are always grumpy

We all have problems of our own but we don’t let that affect our relationship with our colleagues. I know you know of that colleague who is always in bad moods five days a week.

The workplace is supposed to feel like your second home, but if you make your colleagues feel like your problems are more important and that everyone of them should understand you, no matter how good you are at your job nobody is going to respect you.

4. You are always seeking approval and praise

The most miserable people in this world are the ones who need others to praise them in order to feel good about themselves.

If you are the kind of employee who is always doing everything to seek approval from the colleagues and the boss, don’t be surprised that people won’t respect you.

5. You use others to get to the top

Ambition is not a crime, but when you do things at the expense of others, you are just being a horrible human being who will probably die alone.

Stop making others look bad just so you could look good and get that promotion.

6. Obsession over your image

“How do my colleagues perceive me?” “Is the boss happy with who I am?”

People with low self-esteem worry about protecting their image while normal people focus on improving their reputation. Try that!

7. Being besties with the boss

Normally workers will perceive you as a snitch if you start getting particularly close to the boss especially when they think you are just doing it to get that promotion or a salary raise.

You may find that they have stopped sharing things with you which they normally would and have distanced themselves from you.

Nobody should have a higher advantage over others as people will just get frustrated and shut you out.

8. Your dress like you are going to a party

Not to discriminate, but this affects ladies most.

Ladies, there is no easier way to lose respect in the office than with your outfit.

Whether it’s casual Friday or an office party, you don’t have the right to dress like a party animal and make everyone uncomfortable.

Always strive to look professional even though you are obsessed with that “my dress, my choice” crap.

9. Always saying that it’s not your job to do something

Are you always that kind of person who may never help anyone because apparently, the task doesn’t fall in your area of jurisdiction?

When working at a company, we all strive to achieve the same goal and so you should help wherever you can. If you are done with your work, try helping HR do the recruitments.

You will thank me later when after several years you are eying a promotion or revamping your CV to apply for another job.

10. Being a bully

Most of the time people who bully others don’t realize what they are doing.

Bullying in the workplace is common and it may not necessarily involve being physically or verbally abusive.

Bullying in the workplace come in when you are always the prophet of doom. You are a bully if you are always scaring colleagues with negative talks like an upcoming retrenchment or how it is hard to find a job.

You want to be respected at work not classified as the bearer of bad news.

Losing respect for the office may not seem so important to you especially if you are doing a good job, but in the long run, it will not only affect your career but your relationship with others. If you feel like your colleagues and boss are not respecting you enough, evaluate if you are committing some of the mentioned works sins.

Related: 7 Types Of Toxic Bosses And How To Deal With Them 
