7 Common Traits Of Successful People. Are You Among Them?

7 Common Traits Of Successful People. Are You Among Them?

By Lilian Wamaitha

They say that men in suits appear successful until you realize that they work for men in t-shirts and jeans.

Do you consider yourself successful? I am not talking about financial success. Not all rich people in the world are successful. Some are lacking one thing in their life despite having a lot of money.

So where do you think you lie? There is no middle ground. You are either successful or unsuccessful. Period!

We can all agree that the path to success is never an easy one. You have to sacrifice a lot to get there. But there are those particular traits that make successful people the rulers of the universe.

If you have any of the following traits, consider yourself successful, even though it may seem

like you don’t have much going on in your life because success goes beyond, pearls and diamonds.

Related: What Does It Really Mean To Be Successful In Life? 

What Do Successful People Have In Common?

1. Successful People allow their thoughts to dictate their actions

What influences you to work hard and achieve your dreams?

Is it external factors or the determination in you? If you are influenced by external factors, like maybe your friend is now living at a posh place and you think you also deserve that, then you are not successful.

Success is when your actions are influenced by your thoughts and mind and not someone or a situation.

2. They never give up

Successful people rarely throw in the towel.

Instead, they find other ways to make something work.

They don’t just cower in due to failure. They are determined and pursue an action with determination and vigor.

They like taking risks and will not give up just because they faced a setback.

3. They use fear to their advantage

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is that they do things that average people are afraid of doing.

They take fear to propel them onwards.

For instance, an average person would be afraid of starting an online business; a successful person will fear the repercussions of not starting an online business. See the difference?

4. Successful people live in the present and not the past

You can tell a successful person just by interacting with people. Successful people talk about how they were able to overcome their problems in the past.

Unsuccessful people blame their past for what their life turned out to be. They believe the universe let them down but will not do anything to change their present.

5. They are passionate about what they do

Unsuccessful people take up jobs because they are looking to make money.

Successful people on the other hand, learn to say no and only accept things they enjoy doing. They are passionate about their jobs, their businesses etc.

6. Successful people value time and make good use of it

We are all given 24 hours a day to so as we please.

However, in the course of time, you find that some people achieve great levels of success. Why is this so?

Successful people know that time is the most valuable commodity they have. They therefore use their 24 hours to do things that add value to their lives.

There is a direct coloration between failure in life and laziness.

7. They push themselves out of their comfort zones

If you are a comfortable with that paycheck or that job, then please don’t consider yourself successful.

Most of us are very good at falling into a comfort zone. Successful people know that in order to make something of their lives, they need to put in a little more effort.

They don’t get comfortable with the status quo but find ways of pushing themselves beyond that.

They know that they can turn that paycheck into savings and finally a good business.

It is about time that people started thinking of success in terms of other things and not money. From the pointers given above, do you consider yourself successful? Share your opinions below.

Related: 10 Things To Start Doing As This Week Ends To Be Happy And Successful

Lilian is a Communications and Digital Marketing Officer at Career Point Kenya. Contact her via lilian@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke.
