5 Proven Ways To Network When You’re An Introvert

By Kibet Tobias
While in school, I was labeled a “shy guy.” It was always hard for me to openly talk to strangers and even attend social events outside of school. “Shy” was just my identity.
I always wondered if things would ever change for good. Then, I realized I’m an introvert. Yes, I became proud of who I was.
Honestly, being an introvert is challenging sometimes.  It’s very tricky letting strangers into your life yet you need connections to succeed in career or business. It really needs hard work to establish rapport with new people.
This doesn’t come easy. You need to attend networking events and meet key players in your chosen field which is very essential to your job search.
In this article, I’ve compiled a few tips and habits over the years that have greatly helped me navigate my career success.
Here’s how to handle it:
1. Make it a Game Plan
If you identify an event, find a handful of people you would like to connect with during the event. Narrow your contacts to help you feel a little less overwhelmed.
This will create an achievable objective to work towards. Once you have their contacts, it can be appropriate to reach out to them beforehand either through a quick email or phone call. Let them know that you’d love to meet them at the event.
2. Focus on Seeking Relationships
Networking requires room for you to sell yourself. One great way of doing it is knowing how to develop valuable relationships.
If you are an introvert, focus on creating short relevant conversations with new people. A small shift in mindset can greatly relief you.
Related Article >>> 6 Powerful Ways To Get The Most Out Of Networking
3. Practice Your Listening Skills
If you land yourself in a conversation, put your great listening skills to work. Consider asking relevant questions that allow the other person to do most of the talking. Think of open-ended questions like ‘How did you get into your current position? ‘What are you passionate about in your career?”
Such questions are simple yet create small talk, but will foster a good beginning of a relationship.
4. Seek opportunities in an event
As an introvert, you might be more comfortable if you can get involved in an event. Instead of just sitting and watching, reach out to organizers and ask if they need some help.
Small roles like checking people in or handing out name tags can offer you great opportunities to meet many incoming attendees. Who knows, maybe they can ask for your business card to facilitate a future meeting.
5. Capture all the Details
As an introvert, you need to be observant and focused to help you connect easily into others’ feelings.
Think about this: Your target expert mentioned that they are taking a vacation to Canada, note this down such that when you meet them next time you’ll know just the right spot to start the conversation.
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In conclusion, remember networking does not necessarily mean attending a big event. Whether in a hotel, matatu, church meetings, or recreational areas; practice these great habits even as an introvert is one of the best ways of creating meaningful contacts who will come in handy in the future.
Tobias is a content writer at Career Point Kenya. Email tobias@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke.
What are some ways you handle networking? Comment on the section below.
