Why It’s Not The Fear Of Success But Of Hard Work That Is Holding You Back

Why It’s Not The Fear Of Success But Of Hard Work That Is Holding You Back

By Michelle Wanjiku
What is fear of success and does it even exist?
The answer to this varies depending on who you are talking to because there are people who believe it exists and some who don’t. However, according to, Dr. Susan Babbel a psychologist who specializes in trauma and depression, trauma victims can tend to avoid excitement because it triggers memories of fear, and that can lead them to avoid success.
This means that not everyone is affected by the fear of success, so what is it that prevents most people from achieving success? It could be the fear of hard work.
Naturally, you only see the results of success but not the hard work that was put into it
Sadly, we live in a time where because of social media we only get to see the ‘success’ and not the work that these successful people put into it.
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This has led to some sort of disillusionment when people think that success is instant and comes easy. No one wants to put in the work. This could explain why most people are falling victim to pyramid schemes that promise instant wealth and the gambling habit.
In order for you to achieve true success, you need to work hard and you need to be willing to make some sacrifices in order to meet your goals.
With success, there is no set formula or method of achieving it. Everyone’s journey is different and it happens at different times. This is because success means different things to each person, your idea of success may not necessarily be the same as mine.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” Colin Powell
There are some constants to achieving success and hard work and determination are among them.
There is no such thing as overnight success
Everyone you see as successful has a story of struggle and failure to tell. It is important to remember that just because you work hard you are not guaranteed success immediately.
There are people who have worked hard their whole lives and success came later after they have become old or for some after death. An article on the Daily Nation focusing on people who achieved success after they turned 40 shows that just because you worked hard doesn’t mean you will achieve success early on.
Some of the people featured include; Charles Darwin, now he is a well-known figure in the science world but did not get to achieve this until he turned 50 when he published his theory on the origin of species. He spent countless years on expeditions around the world researching before he came up with his theory that earned him worldwide recognition.
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Success is not something to be pursued, but it is awarded to you as a result of your hard work and determination.
Take for example, there are two athletes both are extremely talented. The first one trains only twice a week and runs only 40 kilometers, the second one trains every single day and covers about 200 kilometers a week. When it comes to a competition, which one of the two is more likely to win the race?
In Conclusion,
If you want to achieve success in what you do, you need to be willing to put in the work. Come up with goals and work towards achieving them. Don’t let failure or the fear of failure keep you from achieving what you want in life.
If you want to be successful in life, you should not be afraid of hard work.
