7 Traits To Adopt If You Want People To Like You At Work in 2017

7 Traits To Adopt If You Want People To Like You At Work in 2017

By Susan Gitonga

You probably have a list of new year resolutions for 2017, don’t you? This year, you might have decided to let go of some bad habits that you adopted last year like lying, drinking too much, gossiping etc.

Everyone wants to be liked at work. No one wants to be left out when others are having conversations in a group or planning a trip. That said, there are good habits you can develop this year that will make people become attracted to you, enjoy your company and ultimately like you.

Below are 7 Traits You Should Adopt in 2017 To Make You More Likeable:

1. Be Confident

All of us have insecurities and weaknesses, but this year, purpose to be kind to yourself. Be confident and believe in yourself. Focus on your strengths.

The moment you believe in yourself, others also believe in you and have confidence in you.

No one wants to have a friend/colleague with low self esteem.

Therefore, be confident.

Read Also >>> 7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Confidence In 2017 

2. Have a positive attitude

This year, avoid complaining. Look on the brighter side of life. Having a negative attitude will bring your moods and those of people around you down.

Keep your head up even in the worst scenarios and have a positive attitude on life.

The happier you are, the more people will want to associate with you. Happiness is good energy that everyone will want to tap into.

3. Be responsible

Take responsibility for all your actions.

When you make a mistake, humble yourself and accept that you are wrong and ask for forgiveness.

This is a good trait that will make others like you, accept you and forgive you.

4. Don’t judge

Love others this year. Accept people for who they are and don’t judge them.

All people are different and are going through struggles you might not be aware of.

That said, love them just as they are. People will like you are if you show love towards them.

Practise that this year.

4. Add value to others in 2017

Instead of asking why no one offers a helping hand to you, be that help this year. Offer to lend a friend that 200 shillings they might need, help your colleague at work with excess work load, pay for a friend their bus fare if they have none etc.

Kindness is a very attractive trait that will make others appreciate you and love you.

5. Become trustworthy

Can your boss trust you with a job/project? This year, purpose to be a trustworthy person. Be responsible and accountable. This is how you will earn everyone’s trust and likeable.

6. Be a great listener

Be there for people who they need you. Listen to your colleague who just lost a child, or that friend who is frustrated with life.

Become a support system for all the people around you who need a shoulder to lean on.

You might go through something in life where you’ll need someone to talk to and listen to you.

Be that person to others also.

7. Be inquisitive

Engage others by asking them questions about them. It shows that you are interested in knowing them and this will make you more likeable.

How else do you think you can become a more likeable person at work this year? Share with us below.

Susan is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email: susan@careerpointkenya.co.ke
