Citizen’s Julie Gichuru 4 Success Powerful Tips on How To Be Successful in Life

Citizen’s Julie Gichuru 4 Success Powerful Tips on How To Be Successful in Life

Julie Gichuru is considered to be a role model by many and is well respected within the media industry. She is a jack of all trades and has vast amounts of experience in media,entrepreneurship and even philanthropy.

Whenever she talks people always cock their heads up to pay attention.

So listen up as she gives you these 5 tips on how to be successful.

1. Go epic.
According to her personal blog she describes herself as liking and doing things epic. “I like epic things, I always have… Epic stories, epic books, epic movies, epic songs! I think if something is worth doing and you have the capacity, do it big! Like the air we breathe, dreams are free, and so I dream BIG!

I may never get there but I will visualize it, embrace it, and in doing so allow my subconscious to start to tweak my every response towards the realization of that dream. Seeing it, they say, is half the battle won. And so I ask, do you see yours? Is it epic?

2. Your dream must be about you.
It should never be about others, it must be all about you. Do not imagine that others are competing with you, and even if they are, do not seek to compete with them. The greatest competition lies within oneself.

Even as you set your own internal compass, ensure that you do not craft your journey or your destination around the success of others, the need to ‘be’ like someone, the need to ‘have’ what others have, or the need to outdo or destroy another… this could be your own undoing.

3. Be flexible.
People should realize that goals will often shift. Your journey will have twists and turns, you will move back and forth, and that’s just fine, more often than not the path will not be clear and direct.

4. Be adaptable.
To be or not to be? As you seek your dreams remember that they may come to be or they may not come to be, perhaps then the greatest joy should be in experiencing the journey rather than getting to the destination.

Whether it will be or not, do not deny yourself a bold, positive vision, and a plan towards achieving this dream – then brace yourself, strap yourself in and enjoy the ride! I have no doubt you will find that embracing your vision, crafting your strategy, and walking your path is one of the greatest gifts of learning that you could ever give to yourself.

In conclusion, don’t deny yourself the chance to have dreams. Forget the naysayers, focus on yourself and watch your dreams turn into reality.

Source: The Official Julie Gichuru’s Blog

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