4 HR Secrets to Land You Any Job

Source: Applymate

Are you desperately looking for a job and you are yet to land one? If you are, read on as HR spills the secrets to whether or not you land the perfect job opportunity.

1. Your personal concert ticket
The most important thing about searching for a job is making sure you can sell yourself on paper. You won’t get in the door without your CV and it’s important that you have the correct information on your ticket. A CV should tell a concise, measureable story about who you are, and where you’ve been. To see if your CV passes muster, put it though the “bullet test.”

The bullet test consists of three key points: VERB, ACTION and RESULT. Every bullet on your CV should start with a strong verb, explain the project and conclude with the results showing why the project was successful.

Most importantly, it should paint a picture about why YOU MATTERED throughout the process and how you impacted the business. If this story comes across on paper and is pleasing to the eye, an interview is almost guaranteed!

2. Get ‘Personal’
Communicating through a computer is never going to be the same as meeting someone for coffee. The best jobs are always secured through a personal connection, and recruiters will always choose a candidate that comes highly recommended before someone straight off the street.

Think of networking as a family tree. With every person you reach out to, try to meet them face to face, have them critique your CV, and try to get three more contacts that you can reach out to. As you start to build a network, create your own Networking Tree so that you can keep track of who you know and how they know each other.

3. Personal Edge
Everyone has a unique and differentiating characteristic that they bring the table for an interview. The ones that stand out know what their edge is, how to use it, and how to make sure it is seen. For example, candidates that seem rehearsed and robotic are never going to survive in today’s workforce.

With so much competition, this is the time to be quick on your feet, and bring a point of view to the table. Figure out what that quality is and showcase it during an interview.

4. Focus
When recruiters look to fill certain spots, they look for candidates that have specific experiences in their background. The most annoying answer that a recruiter can hear is that a candidate is open to anything. Choose an area and focus your skills around it.

Recruiters understand that you are not going to focus on one area your entire life, but it is better to have one area of expertise than to be a generalist. When you are vague about your career path or focus, it can lead to a horizontal career path and not vertical path.

Every job is different and every candidate brings something unique to the table. Problem is, no matter how your credentials should make you stand out, they’re worthless if they don’t get read.

Don’t let poor packaging spoil all that hard work.

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