Ask HR: I Get Interviews But No Job Offers, What Could Be the Problem?

Ask HR: I Get Interviews But No Job Offers, What Could Be the Problem?

By Susan Gitonga

Are you overqualified, under-qualified, unattractive or boring? Why is it that you end up walking out of an interview without any job offer or signs of it?

In this article, I will share with you 5 reasons why interviewers are rejecting you, even after submitting an excellent CV and cover letter.

What exactly are they looking for? Let’s find out.

5 Reasons why you might not be getting job offers

1. You’re not qualified.

In other words, your skills and experience are very shallow. Most of the time, employers have an idea of the kind of person they are looking for. They know the position inside and out and are therefore looking for someone who will be a perfect fit. Maybe someone energetic, with 1-year work experience etc.

Failing to land a job offer might be caused by the fact that you are under qualified for the role you are interviewing for.

Tip: It’s always wise to apply for a job you are sure you qualify for; otherwise you stand a chance of getting disappointed when you fail to get the job.

Read Also >>> Under qualified? 7 Tips To Inspire Employers To Give You A Chance

2. Your appearance

They say the first impression always lasts. As such, I have previously encountered candidates coming to an interview dressed indecently. In one particular case, the employer concluded that the candidate appeared ‘too sexy’ for the job and was rejected.

In another scenario, a man in dreadlocks failed the interview, because the job required someone who appeared clean and professional.

How you show up to an interview can either work for you or against you. Therefore, dress appropriately and look the part!

3. You lack the enthusiasm and passion

In as much as you want the money, you must show the employer that you are excited about the opportunity, and cannot wait to take on the role.

As a candidate and a job seeker, you must be able to convince the employer that you are going to be an asset to their company by doing XYZ. Talk about your past experience with passion. What did you learn? What skills did you acquire and how are you planning to use them once you get this new job?

Be passionate about your abilities . That’s the only way you will be able to convince the employer that you are the right person for the job.

4. Unclear job goals and failure to establish your worth to employers

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”  When the employer asks you this question, your goals should be a projection of 5 years in the position you are currently interviewing for.

If you are interviewing for a sales job, for example, your goals should include hitting unimaginable sales targets for yourself and the company. It could also mean that you would like to be a Business Development Manager in the next 5 years.

Whatever goals you have, ensure that they tie in with the company’s core business. That way, the employer will see that you are an asset and have great ideas that his company can benefit from too.

5. You’re unprepared

You walk into an interview room and you go blank. You are nervous, unprepared and hopelessly waiting for the interview to end.

If you are not confident about your interview skills, it’s always a great idea to attend a mock interview with a HR professional where you can get advice on your presentation skills, your answers to questions and your overall chances of getting the job.

Employers do not delight in rejecting candidates when in fact they are looking for employees. How do you win them over? By being your best, looking your best, being confident, and selling yourself for the position.

Related Article >>> Worst Interview Mistake You Can Ever Make. Not Disclosing Your Salary

What challenges are you facing during interviews? Let me know in a comment.

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