5 Reasons Why You Should Accept That Internship: Paid or Unpaid

5 Reasons Why You Should Accept That Internship: Paid or Unpaid

Most recent graduates are unwilling to take on internships especially unpaid ones because they feel they should get a job that pays well instead.

Sadly because of the current unemployment rate, finding a job is not so easy and might take a while. This is where internships come in.

So what exactly are the benefits of an internship?

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Here is a list of reasons why you should get an internship

1. You Gain Industry Knowledge

This is a great benefit of being an intern.

If you have never had an internship or job then you probably do not know anything about what working in your industry is really like. Things you cannot learn in a classroom.

When I got my first internship, I was shocked as to how naive I was in terms of how things work. I had an idealistic picture in my head but that was immediately shattered.

This was a good thing because it enabled me to adapt and to know what to expect when I got my first job.

2. You Make Critical Professional Contacts

As an intern in an organisation you will meet a lot of professionals who have made a name for themselves in the industry.

These people are important networks to have. They will be in the best position to inform you of any open opportunities they come across.

Networking is a huge part of job hunting so these contacts will definitely come in handy.

The people you meet can also become referees and can even write you good recommendation letters.

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3. You May Land A Job

I know of so many people who got a job because of their internship. We all hear about people who after interning at a certain organisation end up being hired.

This is because the internship is an opportunity to get you through the door, especially if the organisation does not have any open job positions.

After you prove that you are capable of handling the work and that you are an asset to the organisation, then the chances of you getting a job there are high.

Take Njoki Chege for example, she was an unpaid intern at Nation media Group for two years before they finally offered her a job and now she is an editor.

4. You Will Gain Experience

Another benefit of an internship is gaining experience. Most jobs require someone with experience.

Do you look at a job requiring one year experience and wonder how you are supposed to have that experience? Well, internships are the way to go.

Being an intern for a year whether paid or unpaid will give you the experience you need to apply for a job that requires 1-year experience.

READ ALSO >>> How Many Internships Are Enough?

5. It Will Boost Your CV

Internships help you gain valuable experience and skills that are important in the job market. After all, in order to get a job, you need to have the skills the employer is looking for.

Putting such experience and skills on your CV will definitely put you ahead of the pack.

The important thing to remember is not to look at an internship as an opportunity to earn but as an opportunity to learn.

It is better to look at the bigger picture as opposed to how you can benefit now. So instead of sitting at home and waiting to get a job, get an internship and gain valuable experience.
