6 Things To Do Before Reaching Your 30’s

Life in your 20’s is one weird, wild emotional roller coaster. You’re finding your first job, getting your first promotion, meeting new friends, and losing old ones. Everything is constantly changing, but don’t get stuck feeling like everything is one mistake away from falling apart; the chaos of early adulthood is totally normal.

Instead of being overwhelmed by the changes around you, there are certain activities that can help you shift your focus and ultimately feel happier.

1. Work out

Keeping your body fit is one of the most crucial things to do when at a young age, when you are I your 30s you will probably be occupied by work and family and tight schedules that may result you to not engage yourself in physical activity that keeps your body fit. Exercise is what keeps you young at later age and therefore you need to join a gym club or even a local sports club at your locality.

2. Move out of your parents’ house

This mostly applies to Nairobits and people born in major cities, living with your parents is such a blessing, considering it also saves you money and you always feel the warmth associated with family and siblings.  There are just as many lame excuses that are misused. “I’m taking care of my parents” to “I’m getting back on my feet!” after the first couple of years; “I’m working on myself right now” And the ever-popular “I live at home because my parents want me to!”. Cocooning at home with parents means you aren’t out doing things, making decisions and having independent life experiences. Living on your own is definitely a series of character-building achievements.

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3. Learn a new language

We live in a country of over 40 tribes therefore we are so diverse and this evident in our cultures, Most institutions offer foreign languages courses ,but how about you learn a local language say Turkana ,Maragoli a new language is always interesting.

By learning a new language you’re exercising your brain, and so you should be faster at memorizing and doing simple mental exercises. When you learn a new language you need to put words and verbs together, which works your brain. You’ll be very good at associating other things as well.

4. Volunteer

Volunteering isn’t one of the most plush, easy, or glamorous of jobs, but it is one of the most beneficial and uplifting. While no monetary compensation is received, many will tell you that their work and experiences gained as a volunteer were worth way more than any money they could have gotten from another line of work.

Think of it like this: volunteering is done on a person’s own accord. It’s taking some time out of your day and helping others. Volunteer work makes us feel good. It builds self-confidence and lifts up the spirits. Locally volunteering could range from NGO organizations like Redcross, AMREF to even creating time on weekends to help at a children’s home.

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5. Road trip

When you are taking a road trip chances are you will be stopping in random towns along the way, and they are probably places you have never heard of. You will meet people you never thought you would, and you will see land marks you have never even heard of. Expanding your world and your experiences makes this trip called life more enjoyable.

6.Take a class

Learning never gets old and learning a new skill is always an advantage, you could take an online class or even an evening class on something you enjoy, this could range from pottery, cooking and drawing .A hobby could turn into a profession in your later years.

 Adulthood is full of difficult responsibilities, but a huge upside is the freedom to be yourself and to do what you love. Appreciate how lucky you are to live a life where you can choose your path every day.

Victor Wachira is a Content Writer at Career Point Kenya. Email victor@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke
