5 Smart Ways to Survive At Work With A New Boss

Companies change bosses every other time and therefore a new boss comes in with change that every employee under his wing must adapt to.As they say shape up or ship out, you do not want to be the first person to get in the bad books of a new boss as this may be the beginning of long working days for you,therefore you must carefully watch your every move since a new boss is also keen on how his new environment is adapting to his presence.

Below are 5 smart moves to consider upon the tenure of a new boss

1. Prepare For Change.

It goes with the territory, but the first thing to understand is that things are going to be different. No one likes change, and a lot of the initial discomfort of working under new management comes from sheer resistance to it.
Even if the change is good, it’s still not going to be what you’re used to. If you accept that things are going to be different out of the gate, you give yourself the flexibility to adjust to what’s going to come next.
Don’t expect your new boss to just fit into your old boss’s fold—it’s just not going to happen.That doesn’t mean accept all changes. Keep your eyes open and pay attention to how your new boss is shaping up.

2. Schedule a meeting.

You’ll be better off if you think of a new boss’s arrival as a relieve rather than a disturbance; this could be an opportunity for you to start fresh. Plan a meeting be proactive to discuss any long-running or open-ended projects you currently have on your schedule or that you anticipate in the near future. Bring up projects you’d like to work on.

This meeting is also the place to ask about what your manager would like to see from you. Setting expectations from the beginning will help minimize conflict.

Pay attention to your boss’s schedule. You will be surprised how paying attention to really basic things about a person’s work can help you adjust to their style and expectations. Take notice of things like how early they get into the office and how late they stay, when they’re most productive and responsive to emails, and when they like to schedule meetings.

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3. Figure out the best way to communicate.

One of the most common sources of workplace conflict is miscommunication, so make the effort to understand your boss’s communication style right off the start.
Depending on how different it is from your previous boss’s, it may take some getting used to, but this is an adjustment you can’t afford not to make. Find out if she prefers face-to-face updates or email and proceed accordingly.

4. Remember, You Have a New Boss, but They Have a New Job.

Before you get really frustrated, remember: You may be struggling to deal with a new manager, but your new manager is struggling with a new job.
They probably have a new boss of their own, one that sees them as an opportunity to do new things which of course, will eventually also mean more work for you.

They may be passing along work that your old boss would have pushed back against, but they aren’t in the position to Keep that in mind, work with them to establish priorities, and in time they’ll learn the ropes.
At least give them a fair shake. Remember how you were when you were new? You may have done work for people then you’d never do now just because you were new and trying to make a good impression.

Even so, that doesn’t mean you should let yourself get walked on. If the work is unreasonable, let them know and explain why.

A Must Read >>>> Why You Need a New Job and You Might Not Even Know it

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Victor is a content writer at Career Point email him victor@careepointkenya.co.ke



