5 Interview Questions To Expect In An Entry Level Job

Every job in the market is competitive, and therefore a candidate should expect serious questions from the recruiters since every position should be filled by candidates who are competitive

Below are questions to expect during entry level jobs interviews

1. What made you decide to apply to this job?

This one seems obvious but people fail. You’d be surprised how many candidates can’t really answer this question, or answer it in a way that underwhelms such as “I need a job and this was hiring.” Honesty is important but you should be creative by giving an answer that will impress the panel.

2. What part of your previous experience do you think translates to being successful here?

This can seem like a trick question, especially if you don’t have much traditional work experience. What the recruiters are really looking to find out is how quickly you can come up with a cohesive, impactful response.

Many entry level candidates will have little to no experience, so you should convince them how quickly you can solve a problem when there is an obvious barrier in your way.

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3. What do you see your day to day being in this role?

This is a must to ask. You should explain what you see as your day to day responsibilities, this will give a clear picture of how well you will fit to the role.

If you think you will be running the marketing department as an entry level analyst and fail to improve why you should be given the chance, they can assume you are a bit out of touch and may be a problem to manage later on.

4. How would you approach a superior with a suggestion, problem, or criticism?

This question gives panelists a peek into how you could handle team dynamics and the problems that may arise, as well as how you deal with addressing issues that may need supervision from management.

No one wants a subordinate that’s constantly making a mountain out of a molehill or going over their head on petty issues.

Use this to bring out your conflict resolution skills and how much confidence you have in dealing with uncomfortable situations.
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5. What do you hope to learn from this job?

This is a round of finding out your strengths and weaknesses.

Entry level candidates will probably have a lot they want to learn, recruiters will pay close attention to what you say as compared to your CV or previous experiences and why.

The position may not be the best fit and they would want to look for someone looking to grow their current skillset more fully through daily application.

An entry level job connects you to your dream job and therefore you should not present yourself as a student but as someone who is open to a a new opportunity and ready to go up the career ladder.

Create a starter impression of someone who is mature, focused and creatively involved in a job, remember fresh employees always have new ideas and you should put your best foot forward and prove your worth
