Top 10 Life Lessons You Should Learn Before 30

Rather than focusing on what hasn’t happened so far, focus on what has!
These are lessons that everyone should learn before entering their 30s.
By learning these lessons you’ll set yourself up for some fabulous years in your 30’s.
1. Learn to Love Yourself
I know this is easier said than done.You need to embrace your flaws and know who you are.
It’s the uniqueness that makes people interesting and, as cheesy as it may sound, there’s no one else out there like you.
Enjoy that individuality in yourself and be proud of it.
That positive energy will certainly radiate from you and make people have that same love and admiration for you.
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2. Have a Better Understanding About Permanence
It seems like the number of people with tattoos nowadays is far surpassing those without.
If you are considering getting a tattoo, be sure it’s something you are prepared to live with forever.
If you decide it’s what you want, make sure you give thought to where you’ll have it.
Getting one that isn’t easily covered by business attire may hinder future job opportunities.
3. Know How to Speak Your Mind
It may not have been easy to speak up when you were in a lecture hall, but you’re past that now.
Before reaching the third decade in your life, you should be able to speak up in meetings.
Sure, it may be scary and people may disagree with what you have to say, but it’s important to develop your own voice and believe in what you have to say.
4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Quit comparing yourself to those around you.
It means nothing if you aren’t in the same place professionally or personally as someone the same age – or younger – than you.
We are all walking individual paths, and our journeys cannot possibly look the same.
Be confident in the path your life is taking and, if you want to change something, take action to do so.
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5. Be Knowledgeable About Insurance Coverage
Nothing sounds more adult than insurance, right? You don’t have to be an expert on the subject, but it’s important for you to familiarize yourself with what kinds of insurance you might need throughout your life.
Some types of insurance that are important include health, life, and if you have a car or plan to by, car insurance.
It may be overwhelming at first, but there are insurance experts who can help you compare and learn about the different policies.
6. Know How to Do Things For Yourself
You don’t always need to call the plumber. There are many small household tasks you can accomplish yourself for a fraction of the cost.
Thanks to YouTube, you can find how-to videos to guide you through most home repairs.
Not only will you save yourself some cash, you’ll gain the satisfaction of having accomplished something you didn’t think you could do.
7. Speak Another Language
So, if you’re almost 30 and haven’t done this one, don’t panic. Just know that now’s the time to start.
You can expand your vocabulary by taking a foreign language class or by using one of the many online language tools.
Not only will this give you a good reason to travel to a new place to put your new skill to use, but it will make you more marketable in the workplace
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8. Know Your Way Around the Kitchen & start eating healthy
Eating out or buying food to eat at home is fine in your campus years, but you don’t want to be doing this every night anymore. If you aren’t sure where to start, ask a friend who has mastered the art of creating delicious eats in the kitchen to give you a few tips.
Or you can get a few of your best pals together and take a cooking class.
If you’re cooking at home more, you’re more likely to eat healthier. Having a healthy and well-balanced diet will pay off for you in the long run.
9. When it Comes to Alcohol, Everything in Moderation
In your 20’s, this rule certainly doesn’t seem to apply, but now you’ve wised up a bit and know it should.
Alcohol is like salt – it adds to a good meal, but it’s not wise (or good for your body) to add it to everything.
Your ability to party all night and still arrive at work the next morning is less impressive than it was at 22..
10. Take Risks with Your Heart
It may get broken, but you may also find worlds of wonder that you never imagined possible.
Putting yourself out there in love can bring you the one you spend your life with or it can bring you great stories to tell down the road.
Either way, the risk is worth it. In the end, success is rarely counted by the money we have in the bank but by the riches of our hearts.
Source : Lifehack
