How To Find A Profitable Blogging Niche That Can Make You Money

How To Find A Profitable Blogging Niche That Can Make You Money

Online Jobs in Kenya
So, you want to be a blogger?
Blogging is one of the best ways of making money on the side as well as building a personal brand.
But what goes into creating a successful blog? How do you ensure that what you choose to blog about is not a waste of time but can actually make you money in the long run?
While it will take time before you blog picks up, the end result is so worth it. There are bloggers in Kenya who make as much as Ksh 100,000 in a month.
The point is, if you work hard and promote your blog, you are always assured of a source of income.
And it all starts with choosing a profitable blogging niche and here is how you do it;
1. Write about what you enjoy
The mistake that most wannabe blogger make is starting a blog without define what it is they want to write about. In the end, you will find that most of them tend to give up when the results are not what they expected.
But this shouldn’t be you. Before you create a blog, think about a topic that interests you.
Make a list of at least ten topics that you like writing about and what you think you might be able to write about.
You don’t have to be a pro at a topic but blogging is all about passion.
If for instance, you have a passion about relationships, you may be the worst at but can still craft articles based on that. That’s passion.
And you will need it if you are to have a blog that can make you money. As long as you enjoy writing about it, you can also blog about it.
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2. Do your market research
Yes you have found a topic that you enjoy talking about? What’s next?
The next step is to make sure that the topic is profitable enough to make you some money and this can be done through a short market research.
For instance, let’s say that money is one of the topics that gets you exited and you want to start a blog about it. Now you want to determine if this topic is has a big enough audience and how much competition you will have.
Start this search on Google Trends by typing money and see if people search for it and how many.
This is a very important step as it will show you the interest in time in the topic. Avoid topics that you find are declining in interest because it means that your blog will not last for long.
3. Pick a smaller niche/topic
We have determined that money is the topic that you would like to blog about. But money on its own is a very broad topic and that means that competition is high.
Just do it simply by just typing on Google the term money and see how many search results it will yield.
For example when I type money on Google, I have 2,850,000,000 results on the web about money. These are the number of pages and websites you will be competing with. So what do you do?
Break down you niche into a smaller one but revolving around the same topic.
Google will give you related searches based on that and you can then search to see how many people are interested in that.
Money for instance, could revolve around savings, investments, insurance or business, so you have a lot of smaller niches to blog about.
4. Ensure that your topic is profitable enough
Obviously, you are planning on earning money through your blog and so you should ensure that the niche you choose is profitable enough to be able to monetize your blog.
One way to test this is to see if there are businesses or brands that are advertising for that specific keyword.
You can just do that by typing on Google and the first few results will be ads by Google.
If people are willing to spend money on Google Adwords to advertise for that specific keyword or one related to your niche, then you have the right topic and you can go ahead and create a blog.
The ball is now in your court…
Once you have found the right topic, create a blog and start writing interesting content that drives people to your blog and helps you stand out from the millions of others writing about the same. Be consistent in your blogging by creating a schedule that works for you.
It will not take a day or a month to start seeing visitors coming to your blog, and you may feel like giving up but don’t. They will come and then you can now monetize your blog as well as start affiliate marketing. Eventually, through hard work, you will start seeing the results through the money that wills start flowing into your account.
By Lilian Wamaitha
Lilian is a Communication Officer at Career Point Kenya. Got any question related to blogging? Email them to or leave a comment below.