Revealing 5 Things You Should Never Reveal About Yourself at Work

Revealing 5 Things You Should Never Reveal About Yourself at Work

By Kibet Tobias
We spend most of our time in the workplace. Sometimes you get intimate, build beneficial relationships and great professional networks with colleagues.
Words have incredible power to hurt, discourage, unite or divide. Whatever you say or reveal to others may build or hurt your relationship and even career.
But before that happens, here are some of the things you should never disclose about yourself at work.
1. How much money you make
A lot of people including your parents and friends may want to hear all about the amount of money you’re making every month. That’s absolutely okay.
But things are different in the workplace. If you disclose your salary to a colleague, for example, it creates negativity. I agree, there are times you really want to know how much your lazy colleague earns because most of the time he/she delegates work to you but that shouldn’t concern you.
Sometimes it may not be possible to earn the same salary as a coworker even if you do the same work. So if you disclose yours, it may create a lot of unnecessary tensions that will only ruin the relationship you have already built.
2. That you are Job Hunting
This happened to me sometimes back when I told my best friend and colleague that I was quitting in two weeks. For the next one month, I still found myself at the same desk because I had decided to stay.
Now the same colleague kept asking me why I had not left yet. Surprisingly almost everyone in the office knew I wanted to leave. How did this happen yet I only disclosed my intentions to one trusted friend?
The person you trust also has a trusted friend who has a friend.
You’ll be surprised when the boss summons you in regard to your plans. Remember your search may not be fruitful, so it’s good if you wait until you get another job before disclosing that to anyone.

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3. That you hate your job
Whether you hate your job or not, should not be someone else’s concern. I don’t think anyone would want to hear about it at work.
Instead of complaining about how much you hate your job, focus on ways to change the situation. If you keep complaining, you will be labeled as a negative person and non-team player. It will also destroy the morale of the team.
By the way, what if your boss hears that you hate the job? You may easily lose the opportunity and get replaced.
4. What you do on social media
It’s true that many people don’t want to be friends with their bosses or even colleagues.  Why? Sometimes there is fear that what you post and share on Facebook or Twitter may not be appropriate to them.
Imagine the pictures, what you are doing, the joints you hang out at and think about the impression you will create about yourself if it were to be public information.
Maybe a promotion was coming your way, but these little things can cost you the opportunity.
5. Your political and religious beliefs
We are all different and unique. What you love or believe in is different from what I believe in. We treat politics and religion in different ways.
Your political and religious belief is a personal decision. Don’t disagree with someone else’s views because it can bring about conflicts and can change their perception of you. Respect their core values, exercise empathy, be willing to listen to them and let them be. Never force your opinions on others.
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In conclusion, these are just but a few things you should never disclose to others at work. Be aware of how to manage your behavior, navigate social life at work in order to achieve positive outcomes in the end.
Tobias is a Content Writer at Career Point Kenya. Got any career related queries? Contact
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