5 Ways To Achieve Career Success By Focusing On Your Most Valuable Asset

5 Ways To Achieve Career Success By Focusing On Your Most Valuable Asset

By Michelle Wanjiku
When it comes to career growth and success in your professional life, you should always expect competition. You are not the only one looking to get that promotion or applying for that job.
So you need to work towards beating your competitors so that you can achieve your career goals. This is where your uniqueness and strengths come in. After all, in order to get a job, you must show that you are the best candidate.
For example, as an ICT professional if you are good at programming, ensure you use this to your advantage when it comes to finding a job or getting a promotion.
How do you use your strengths to beat out the competition?
1. Invest in your expertise
A great way to succeed in your career is to become an expert in something. You need to be the go-to person when it comes to a certain aspect of your job because that is how you will build a name for yourself.
This means that if you are good at something, then you need to ensure you are putting in the effort required to become better at it.
For example, as an accountant, you can take a practical accounting skills class that will help you better your accounting skills.
You should not be afraid of investing in growing your knowledge and expertise. Take whatever courses you need  to be better than all the other people competing for the same position.
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2. Pick your battles
What this means is not every position or opportunity you come across is actually worth fighting for. When it comes to your career you need to have goals in mind. You need to know what you want to be doing 20 years from now.
You need to be careful when choosing which jobs to apply for and ensure that any career move you make is in line with your career goals.
When it comes to jobs, applying for specific jobs that you qualify for and are actually interested in, will give you a better chance of actually succeeding at it.
So it’s better to pick and choose what you want to compete for so that you don’t end up wasting time. Chasing after something you don’t really want or won’t even enjoy once you get it.
3. Compete against yourself
You can never know everything, even if you are the most knowledgeable person amongst all your colleagues there are things you can still learn.
Continuous learning is one of the key contributing factors to success, so you need to push yourself to always do better and do more even if everyone else isn’t.
You should always live every day trying to become a better version of yourself, try to be better than you were yesterday and you will find that you are growing in all aspects of your life.
4. Share your secrets and success
As much as it is a competition, no one succeeds without help; you need to be willing to help others who want to achieve what you have achieved.
You will need a mentor at a certain point in your career but you also need to be willing to be someone else’s mentor.
You have to help others if you expect others to help you.
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5. Keep trying
No one who gave up has ever succeeded. In order to achieve career growth and success, you cannot give up after a few rejections.
Just because you were not chosen for the job doesn’t mean you should stop applying all together, or stop working for a promotion just because you were passed up for the last one. No matter what, you must keep trying to achieve your career goals.
In Conclusion,
We all have different strengths and what you are good at might not be the same thing I am good at. You need to use the fact that you are different to your advantage.
Make sure you are using your assets to sell yourself as a professional as this is what will set you apart from everyone else.
