Ask HR: Is It Okay For Me To Receive Valentine Gifts In The Workplace?

Ask HR: Is It Okay For Me To Receive Valentine Gifts In The Workplace?

One of the most important things you need to remember is that, even if it is valentine, you are still at work and you should always be professional at work.

This means that there are things you shouldn’t do in the office come valentine day and the day after because they would distract your workmates and lead to reduced productivity and output.

Here are some of the things you should avoid this valentine;

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1. Tone down on the flowers

Loved ones may decide to send you flowers and while receiving flowers is a big part of the holiday, you need to remember that you don’t have to receive them in the office.

Some employers may not have a problem with this, but others might. So you need to be very careful not to break any office policy or better yet you can just choose to inform anyone who might send you flowers not to do so at the office.

Some employers might consider it upsetting or distracting to employees and you don’t want your boss to think you are distracted and not focused on your job.

Receiving a huge bouquet of flowers might make you happy, but if you share office space with other colleagues it might inconvenience them.

2. Do not go to work in fancy dresses

When it comes to dressing on valentine day, you have to ensure that you are keeping with the company’s policy.

For example, if you work in a profession that requires you don’t wear any bright colors then it is best you stick to that or if your organization policy specifies that the dress code is corporate colors, then you should stick to that.

Leave the fancy dinner dresses for later after you have left work.

3. Making personal calls in the office during office hours

For example, you should not pick up a personal call in a shared office space and spend all your time talking on phone.

Keep in mind that you are still expected to perform your duties, so you should not let your work suffer.

Doing so will mean that you are neglecting your duties which could lead to reduced productivity.

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4. Keep private details private

While it’s good that you have plans on valentines, you don’t necessarily need to share them with your co-workers unless you have strong friendships with them.

The office is not the place for you to talk about your personal plans, doing so shows that you lack professionalism.

It is however, okay to do so over lunch hour if you are talking to a close work friend who you normally share personal details with.

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In Conclusion,

When it comes to valentine day, remember that less is more especially when it comes to your workplace. Keep in mind that even though it is a special day for you, it is still a normal workday and your employer still expects you to be productive.
