How To Write a Simple CV

“Employers everywhere require CVs when applying for jobs even when it is for internship positions. As an applicant, you need to know how to write a CV,” says Cynthia Wangeci, a Recruitment Manager at Corporate Staffing Services.

There are a lot of people applying for the same jobs you are applying for, in order to stand out you need to have to write the best CV.

You should write a simple CV that will showcase your skills in the best way so you can make yourself marketable. If well written, it can greatly improve your chances of getting called for interviews.

Here are tips on how to write a CV in Kenya

1. Keep the formatting simple

When writing a simple CV, you have to remember that the employer is more interested in your qualifications and not how many colors are in your CV.

That said, the CV format you use still needs to be good but you shouldn’t go overboard.

Avoid things like fancy fonts that are not easy to read, and crazy colors as well.

Remember that the employer doesn’t have a lot of time to go through your application, so if they can’t read your curriculum vitae easily it will end up being rejected.

READ ALSO >>> 7 CV Writing Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Today

2. Use the Job Description as a Guide

Job descriptions are basically the employer’s way of telling you what they want. If your CV does not show them that you are a match for the job, you won’t get the job.

It doesn’t matter how well written your simple Curriculum Vitae is, if it does not match the job you will not be hired.

Your CV should make the employer see that you are the best candidate for the position.

You can do this by ensuring that your CV matches what the job description was looking for. For example, if the job requires that the ideal candidate should have graphic design skills; your CV should make it very clear that you possess this skill.

You, however, have to ensure that you are truthful and don’t lie about the skills you possess this will definitely backfire.

3. Highlight your skills and experience

When it comes to writing a simple CV, your major focus should be on your skills and accomplishments.

Remember everyone applying for that job has a similar educational background, so the only way you can show that you are unique is to focus on your skills and competencies.

Employers hire people who will add value to the organization. So if you can clearly show what you have to offer that others don’t, then you increase your chances of getting the job.

There is no point in focusing on skills such as Good communication skills, leadership or the likes, more emphasis should be put on position based skills.

For example, as an accounting professional, you should highlight the ability to use accounting software such as QuickBooks and experience in the same.

Must Read: 4 Sections You Should Remove From Your CV To Start Getting Interviews


Learning how to write a simple CV in that will impress an employer is the first step in ensuring that you increase your chances of getting a job. If you are having trouble with drafting your CV, you can contact a CV writing professional to help you by sending an email to

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