I Accepted A Job Offer, But Then Received A Much Better One Two Weeks Later. What Should I Do?

I Accepted A Job Offer, But Then Received A Much Better One Two Weeks Later. What Should I Do?

Getting a job in the Kenyan market is not an easy task. When you are therefore able to secure a job, you take it with both arms, just to enable you to at least get by and improve on your skills. However, what happens when you receive a job offer, and a few weeks later receive an even better one from a different company? Do you go with the first job offer just to stay loyal and hopefully get promoted soon enough, or do you go with the second?

Lucy is facing a similar situation and is not sure how she should handle it.

Here is her story:

I graduated with a diploma in Sales & Marketing from the Kenya Institute of Management in 2016. After two years of making numerous job applications and attending interviews, I was informed of a company that was looking to hire individuals in my area of specialization. Although I was on the verge of giving up on job searching, I decided to give this a try.

QUICK READ >>> I Am Stuck In A Career With No Job Opportunities! What Should I Do?

Two weeks later, I was invited for an interview. I ended up attending two interviews and when I passed those, was invited to start training. The training took two weeks and after that, we had a two-week break. During the break, I received another interview invite from a different company I had applied to a while back.

As I was off duty on the first job, I decided to attend the interview and weigh my options in terms of what would be a good fit for me.

I attended the interview and subsequently received a job offer for this position too. The second job offer I received is better than the first, and this has left me confused.

I am yet to report to any of the companies. I do not know what to do especially because I accepted both offers, but can only work in one of the companies.

READ ALSO >>> I Lied I Had A Degree & Got Shortlisted. What Should I Do?

I realize that I have a tough decision to make, and one that is really confusing even for me. If I go back on my acceptance of the first job offer I received and even attended training, will my reputation be damaged?

Please help.”

What would your advice to Lucy be?  
