3 Words That Say You Are Emotionally Intelligent

Do you wish you had better relationships both at a personal and professional level?

Do you struggle to know what to do when fights & conflicts arise?

Emotional Intelligence is not just about controlling and understanding your own emotions but also being accommodative of other people’s emotions as well.

Whether you describe yourself as a professional or a leader, before anything you are a human being and as humans we are emotional beings.

You may use logic and intelligence when figuring things out but if your emotions are not engaged you lack the motivation to do anything.

Let us look at some simple words that you should to exude a high level of emotional intelligence;

1. Sorry

Emotionally Intelligent people say sorry. Saying sorry does not make you come off as weak as most people tend to assume. It simply means that you are not afraid to admit that you are wrong. But it’s not about just saying sorry, you have to do it in a honest and modest way. You need to be sincere to show the other person that you also acknowledge their feelings especially if you are the one who caused the conflict.

2. Thank You

Everyone loves to feel appreciated, hearing this word not only creates a positive relationship but makes one feel motivated.  Gratitude shows that you have a high regard for everyone and everything they do.

For example, at work if your boss or supervisor tells you thank you it means that they appreciate your efforts and value you as an employee.

This boosts your self- development and excellence  as a person both in your professional and personal life.

3. Please 

Small things matter. By using this word, we strengthen our emotional intelligence by doing the exercise of realizing how much we are relying on others to accomplish what we need to get done.

Saying Please,  is not just a norm of courtesy. It is the best and most straightforward way to make people feel valued for what they are and what they do.

Emotional intelligent people know that it is the most genuine way of showing consideration, respect and appreciation to others.

Having a high level of emotional intelligence will serve you well in your relationships in the workplace and in all areas of your life. Wouldn’t you want that?

If that’s you then you need to learn how you can take control of your emotions here
