Short Courses That Will Boost your Career. Enroll Now!

Short Courses That Will Boost your Career. Enroll Now!

Have you been applying for jobs without any breakthrough?

Employers look for people who have something unique from the rest of the applicants, in this case, skills. Skills boost your career and investing in them is a sure way of building your career.


Handling businesses need skills as well for them to succeed. Otherwise, all you will be doing is guesswork and this is why you see businesses failing.


Which short courses should you enroll for then?


These two short courses coming up next week are what you should enroll for to avoid these misfortunes.


1. Accounting Training.

You might have studied accounting but have not done it practically. This is a good chance for you to put your knowledge to use and learn anything that you might not know about accounting.


Changing careers to accounting could be what you have been thinking about for a while now.

This training will ensure you learn everything you need to know about accounting.


Have you been planning to start a business? When you enroll for this short course, you will acquire skills that will enable run your business smoothly

You will learn practical accounting tasks that employers look for when hiring accountants, i.e how to use ITAX, how to file PAYE, NSSF, NHIF, VAT, etc. 

The advantage of this training is that the trainers will take you through what you should do to get that accounting job you have been eying for a while. 


How to make yourself marketable and how to write your CV well is what you will learn in the training as well. We will teach you how to use the latest Quickbooks version.


Do you see why it will be of great advantage for you to enroll in this training?


Our next training starts on the 27th to 31st January. Enroll for the practical accounting job and career mentorship program here today.


2. Customer Service Training.

In any business, customer service is the backbone. This is why businesses that do well invest in training their customer service team thoroughly.


How you handle your customers determines whether you maintain or lose them. Good customer service is a sure bet of keeping customers coming than any promotion or discount will.


Apart from being extra nice to my customers, what else will I learn, you ask?

Customer service is not just about being nice to your customers. With this training, you will learn how you are going to serve your customers so well that you will be getting referrals without much struggle.


Great customer care skills are about forming relationships with clients or potential clients. A relationship that the individual customer feels that they would like to pursue. This way, you get solid customers.


Our trainers will go deeper into the dos and don’ts of customer service that will help your business boom.

Do you want all this success for your business? What are you waiting for? Enroll for our two-day customer service training which starts on the 27th of this month.

You can also email our training coordinating team for any inquiries about our short courses through

Hope to see you in class!!