IRC Is Hiring! Apply Here!
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IRC Is Hiring! Apply Here!
Portfolio Advisor Job, Recruiter Job, Current IRC Jobs In Kenya,
Here are the latest vacancies at International Rescue Center! Do you qualify? Apply Here For the latest positions!
1. International Rescue Committee Portfolio Advisor Job
Act as an internal focal point for any issues related to the implementation and management of assigned awards including but not limited to the Irish Aid Strategic Partnership and DEC programmes, under the guidance / supervision of the Portfolio Manager.
Experience coordinating and drafting reports, preferably for complex and multi-country programmes in development and/or humanitarian contexts.
2. International Rescue Committee Recruiter Job
Lead recruiting-related initiatives to support the Strategy100 and the IRC Gender & DEI strategy while maintaining compliance to local labor regulations and donor requirements
Work Experience: Minimum 2-4 years of mid level or senior level recruitment experience within an international non-governmental organization (INGO) or other large, global organization
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