4 Core Qualities of a Good Trainer

It’s often said that “the mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, and the great teacher inspires”. Almost anyone who’s ever wondered how to be a good trainer has also wondered how to inspire learners to perform at their best.

And when it comes to delivering an effective training program, the qualities of a good trainer can make all the difference.

Many people think that training is as easy as knowing the subject matter and being able to communicate well. While you absolutely need both of these qualities, they’re hardly enough to make an effective trainer.

So, what core qualities of a good trainer?

1. Active listener

    Many professionals claim to be good listeners, but how many of us are truly active listeners?

    We may consider public speaking to be more important, but from the perspective of professional traits, being an active listener contributes to being an effective trainer who can engage with learners.

    Active listening is a valuable quality that helps us better serve our learners and give them a better experience by actively listening to questions and feedback and acting on it.

    2. Creativity

    Creativity is a necessary part of teaching; it allows us to think outside the box and progress ideas toward innovation and success.

    As a trainer, this means having the creativity to explain a complex topic in a fun and engaging way or designing session plans and activities that will involve learners in practical activities.

    Do not confuse creative qualities for creative skills; remember that skills can be learned by creativity within this context and can be improved and developed.

    3. Flexibility

    As a trainer, you need to be flexible in your approach to training preparation and delivery. Depending on the nature of the topic you’re training, this may mean working unsociable hours, travelling long distances or even working through entire weekends.

    Training needs to be learner-centred. After all, the aim of training is for people to learn new skills in an engaging way. As the trainer, you have to be flexible enough to meet the needs of the learners in attendance.

    4. Approachable

    Learners and training participants may have a better learning experience if you are accessible and approachable. Think of your learner like a customer. You need to provide excellent customer service, and the content of your course will be more memorable as a result.

    Training can be challenging and exhausting for both learners and trainers. Many learners naturally want to get the most from a training session, and being able to ask questions and have discussions is a welcome opportunity for enthusiastic learners.


    Remember that all effective training is learner-centric, so you, as the trainer, should be adapting your training delivery style according to how the learners are responding.

    So, do you want to level up as a trainer? Why not start today? Enroll in our Training of Trainer Course to transform your training sessions into transformative moments that leave an indelible mark on their lives.