Short Courses That Will Get You A Job Fast

Are you looking to build and advance in your career? Well, the following training opportunities will help you do just that. Enroll today to secure your chance! 1. Practical Accounting, QuickBooks Training & Career Mentorship Program  Have you been applying for accounting jobs and not getting interviews? Are you a qualified CPA or Bcom professional…

Work Smarter , Not Harder; Quick Time Management Tips

“Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.”- Miles Davis Are you the kind of person who skips  from task to task, always checking emails, organizing something, making a call or running an errand? If you are, then this means that you often subscribe to the idea that “staying busy” means you’re working hard…


4 Ways To Ensure Your Business Thrives In A Tough Economy

By Audrey Korir Ask any entrepreneur you know for business advice and you will often hear them tell you, “Starting the business is the easier part, the hard part lies in sustaining it!” For you to run your business successfully you need to extensively plan and strategize for both good and bad times. Our Kenyan…

If You Are In Project Management, You Need To Attend This Open Day Event!!

Are you in project management? Do you intend to make a career switch and join the industry? Project Management is definitely a top career choice. Why you ask? Simple,  Project managers are always in demand! No matter what the industry, qualified professionals are always needed to plan and provision the work. Project managers determine strategies…

Mistakes You Don’t Know You Are Making As A Supervisor

Great Leaders aren’t born, they are made. They learn how to be good leaders through training, hard work, determination experience, intuition, and effort. How can you be one? Even in leadership it is very possible to make mistakes from time to time. However, the power lies in how you overcome them and use them as…


4 Skills You Need To Land A Well Paying Job In Digital Marketing

Technology is continuously evolving. As such marketers and entrepreneurs are prompted to dive into digital marketing, in a bid to increase brand awareness, reach their target market and ultimately, drive sales and profit. Digital marketing is becoming one of the most challenging, creative, fulfilling, rewarding and ever-changing career paths available today. Like any discipline, there…

5 Great Ways To Answer “Do You Have Any Questions For Me?’

By Audrey Korir Whenever a recruiter asks “do you have any questions for me?”  Please let your answer always be “YES!” It may catch you off-guard because you feel as though you have covered absolutely everything in the interview. However, your best bet should be to respond to this question than to politely decline. Why…


How Practical Accounting Skills Helped Me Secure A Job

Accounting jobs in Kenya are among the most sought-after job categories. The accounting sector  is generally  an indispensable department  in any company. Despite this fact, competition for accounting jobs in Kenya is fierce. How then can you stand out? Fredrick Ocholla , a qualified accountant with over five years in the job market had firsthand…

How To Network With People Who Can Help You Progress In Your Career

By Perminus Wainaina  Relationships. This is a term you will rarely hear in a professional setup. Relationships, however, have a part to play when it comes to your career growth and success. Anthony, during our one on one career coaching session, expressed his frustration of not getting a job for the last two years. “I…