I am Going Crazy: What’s The Secret of Job Hunting?

Source: HR Lady

They say only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches…..for some, job hunting is the easiest thing in the world. They graduate campus and two or three months, give or take, they already have a job and not just a job but a well paying one with benefits and all.

Then there is where the majority falls. You’ve been reading thousands of career advice articles  for years, you’ve made your life all about networking, your LinkedIn profile is picture perfect but still you can’t seem to get a break….

Can you relate with such? Have a look at this confession posted on a popular career website.

“I’m trying to get a real full-time job after a 5-years of part-time and temporary jobs since graduating from University of Nairobi.

More accurately, I’ve been trying to get a real full-time job this whole time, but temporary and part-time jobs are all I can get. I can scarcely get an interview.

The last of my money is gone, and I need a job RIGHT NOW.

My question is, what does HR want to see on a resume?

What do you want to hear in an interview?

I am prepared to say and do ANYTHING if it means getting a job.

But I need to know specifics. Which phrases am I supposed to use?

Which phrases should I avoid?

Can you feel this guy and what advice would you offer him as fellow job seeker or someone who is already employed?

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