600 Sponsored Training Opportunities For Kenyan Youth To Enhance Skills

600 Sponsored Training Opportunities For Kenyan Youth To Enhance Skills

The Government of Uasin Gishu has just signed a sh. 30 million deal to train over 600 students in different courses at the Rift Valley Technical Training Institute in Eldoret town.

The training, which the government will meet the cost, will see the students trained in acquiring technical skills which will enable them to be self employed or engage with the county government or other institutions in the region.

“This is part of our plan to empower our youth so that they get the necessary training and readiness to work anywhere,” said Mandago during the signing of the agreement last Friday.

He signed the MoU with chairman of the college Dr Zeph Gaya and principal Edwin Tarno while Deputy Governor Daniel Chemno and Education Executive Enock Muigei were also in attendance.

Mandago said the training will ensure the county has enough manpower.

Kenyatta University in a similar effort also launched SWIP (The Student Work Induction Programme) to give job seekers more experience and impart in them soft skills like the ability to communicate effectively, commitment and flexibility among others, which employers often complain are lacking.

This initiatives come in the wake of a recent Ernst and Young report which claimed that more than half of the 50,000 students who graduate annually, only half are suitable for employment.

Findings done by The Inter-University Council For East Africa (IUCEA) also corroborate this and claimed that the majority of those who graduate cannot land or will find it challenging to secure long-term employment in their fields of study.

Kenyatta University in a similar effort also launched SWIP (The Student Work Induction Programme) to give job seekers more experience and impart in them soft skills like the ability to communicate effectively, commitment and flexibility among others, which employers often complain are lacking.

So lets keep the discussion going and let us know whether you think such efforts by the government and universities will prove fruitful.

Courtesy: The Star

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