Before You Change Your Career: Find Out The 5 Worst Mistakes Career Changers Make.

Before You Change Your Career: Find Out The 5 Worst Mistakes Career Changers Make.

By Susan Gitonga

I recently received a call last week from a gentleman who was looking to make a big switch in his career. He is currently a Procurement Officer but is considering joining the Finance Profession, with no work experience in the field.

According to him, Finance seems like a ‘hot cake’ profession unlike his Procurement Career of 10 years.

In his situation, he would have to start at the lowest level of Finance in order to grow in the Career. Employers don’t really care whether or not you have been working in a different profession for 20 years. As long as you don’t have the required experience for the position they are looking to fill, you will automatically be disqualified.

So, before you make that Career Change,  find out which are the worst mistakes you should not make as you look to changing your career.

5 Worst Mistakes Many Career Changers Make.

1.Don’t look for a job in another field without critically  thinking about it

Make sure you are not escaping to a career that doesn’t fit you just like the one you have.

A career change is not a decision you make when you wake up one day. It should be well thought out.

That said, do your research first, consult with mentors or Career Advisors to know whether the direction you are looking to take is the right one. Enroll in our career development program here.

2. Don’t get into a ‘hot’ career unless it fits you

We are in the era of Technology and new careers such as Web Design and Digital Marketing have popped up in the job market.

Just because these jobs are trending or are talk of the town, does not mean they are good for you.

Decide what you want to do because it’s perfect for you, not because everyone else seems to be going in that direction.

Must Read >>> Best Interview Answer: Why Do You Want To Change Careers

3. Don’t get into a Career because your friend is doing well in it

Sure, it might look like the perfect career , but get more insight from other people about Careers you are interested in.

Your friend might be a great sales person which is why they are successful selling Insurance or GNLD products and have bought mansions. But that might not be your strength.

Run your own race.

4. Don’t go back to school before getting some experience in the field you are desiring

When making a career change  , most people run back to school to get degrees and diplomas, but this is not the best strategy.

First, spend some time getting experience. Volunteer or Intern somewhere.  Find out what the field entails even before you decide to go to school. Be very sure of where you want to go before you get yourself through the pain and debt of another degree.

5.Don’t let money be the deciding factor

No amount of money can satisfy your dissatisfaction when you are working in a career that doesn’t fit you.

In fact, research shows that workplace dissatisfaction and stress is the leading health problem for working adults.

With that in mind, don’t chase the money. Rather, chase the satisfaction and the purpose you want to achieve in a new career.

Are you planning to change your career? What are some of the reasons behind your decision? I’d love to hear them. Please leave a comment below.

Susan is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email:      
