4 Secrets On How To Become Wealthy Before 30

We all have that goal of being wealthy one day. As Bill Gates said being born poor is not your mistake, dying poor is your mistake. What are you doing to reach your financial goals? It won’t come easy you need to put in a lot of work and it will take time so you might as well start now.

Here are 4 tips on how to become wealthy

1. Save to invest, don’t just save to save
We have all been told saving is good and most people do this religiously every month. However you cannot save yourself into a millionaire. Saving is good and it enables you to do things like start a business and invest which is what will pave the way to you becoming a millionaire.
If you earn 30K per month it will take you years to even save 500K. Why not use some of the money you save to invest in something that will provide additional income? Look at most of the wealthy people in this country most of them own shares or businesses somewhere.
So instead of letting all your money sit at the bank use some of it to create a supplementary source of income.
Related: Top 5 Things You Need To Consider Before Investing 
2. Don’t show off
Recently when Mark Zuckerberg was in the country, everyone was talking about how simple he was in dressing and where he even chose to eat. Now the problem with most people is they want to look rich so they spend most of their money trying to keep this image.
Buying the fancy car, watches, shoes, clothes and living in a posh neighbourhood is all good when you can afford to do all this and still have money in your account. Instead that money could be used to grow your investments or businesses.
Remember that you don’t have to look rich just be rich.
3. Avoid spending money on things that won’t add value
What should come first a car or a house? Do you really need to buy yourself that Lexus? Wouldn’t you do just as fine in a much cheaper car and get to have more money to put into buying a house or even your business?
There is really no point in buying things that will not bring you income in the long run. The value of a car decreases as it ages but the value of land goes up. So which is the better investment of the two? Be smart in your purchases and go for things that add value.
4. Give to Others
Most people find this difficult yet it is the easiest way to feel good about yourself. What is the point of having a lot of money and being sad or unfulfilled? Wealth is not only about how much money you have but also about your quality of life.
Wouldn’t you rather be rich and happy than rich and unhappy? Take up a charity or help others grow. Donate to the church, children’s home; educate a street child or an orphan.
This will go a long way to make you feel successful. Just like the Bible says, “give and you shall receive.”
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