5 Reasons Why You Can’t Do Without LinkedIn In Your Job Search

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Do Without LinkedIn In Your Job Search

Forget Facebook, forget Twitter even and focus on LinkedIn if you are a job seeker.

If you have been applying to jobs with no luck or sending out random CVs with no feedback, it may be time to utilize the LinkedIn platform.

Is LinkedIn really a good place for jobs like people say?

YES it is and here is why you can’t do without this social media platform for your job search.

Find Out >>> 5 LinkedIn Profile Mistakes You Should Absolutely Avoid 

Here Is Why LinkedIn is Crucial in Your Job Search

1. It is the one site where your CV is publicly available

While there are platforms that allow you to upload your CV or input your professional details for potential jobs, there is no better place than LinkedIn to publicly announce what you do.

You are able to showcase who you are as a professional and include what positions you are looking for.

And while it is ill-advised to directly upload your CV to the platform, LinkedIn gives you a chance to include any relevant qualification, skills, samples of work done and anything else you think is useful without limit.

Also, unlike a CV where you have to constantly worry if it is professional enough or in the right format, LinkedIn provides you the various sections required to market yourself to potential employers.

And you also get to decide which section to put at the very top.

2. You can make a connection with almost anyone

When job seekers learn that networking is the number one factor to getting jobs, the next question is usually how to find the right people to network with.

Luckily for you, LinkedIn gives you a wide variety of professionals to network with at the comfort of your home or wherever you are.

Are you looking to connect with recruiters?

Do you want to find hiring managers for specific companies?

Are you interested in speaking directly to CEOs?

LinkedIn makes all this possible, giving you a chance to improve the success rate of your job hunt.

3. You bring the jobs to you instead of finding them

If you have experienced the frustration of looking for jobs without finding a match for what you are looking for, then you know how the idea of jobs coming to you sounds.

Recruiters and employers use LinkedIn to head hunt for potential employees.

So if you have an updated profile that has the necessary keywords for your professions, it becomes easy for recruiters to find your profile and contact you for a job.

Many job seekers have been employed because recruiters found them on LinkedIn.  This too can be you.

All you have to do is have a well updated profile listing all your qualifications, competence, experience and even the necessary recommendations.

With LinkedIn you can get as many recommendations (referees) as you want. So don’t just have a profile, have one that is up to date.

4. LinkedIn groups give you a chance to be heard

Another perk for your job search process is the different groups that you will find on LinkedIn.

Based on your profession and experience, you can find a group that is a good fit where you can interact with fellow professionals.

By joining any of these groups, you have a better chance to find potential employers, recruiters and even other professionals who may know of a particular job opening and recommend you.

As we have always said before, employers are most likely to give priority to recommended candidates than the random ones.

So what’s it going to be?

Don’t just send out your CVs and expect a call, engage professionals on LinkedIn and let people know who you are and what you stand for.

5. There is no limit to who you can contact about a job

As mentioned in point 2 above, LinkedIn allows you to contact almost anyone.

Unless a certain professional has made their profile very private that you can’t contact them directly, most people are reachable.

The platform has over 450 million users around the world, meaning that those employers you have always wanted to work for and recruiters working for companies you want are at your disposal.

Must Read >>> 6 Best Tips on How To Apply For A Job on LinkedIn 

Unlike normal ways of looking for a job where you get to use an email address that you are not even sure exists, with LinkedIn you can deal with the recruiter involved directly.
