Top 5 Networking Mistakes To Always Avoid

Networking is a very important aspect of job search and if done right it can really push your career in the right direction. However, if done incorrectly it will never benefit you in any way and you will spend more time looking for jobs and stuck in the same position.
There are various ways you can increase your networks depending on who you want to meet. But the most common one is attending seminars and events focused on your industry.
This is a good place to gain very useful networks that could help land you a job. It is therefore very important that you go about it the right way and don’t make any silly mistakes that will ruin your chances.

Here Are Some Of The Networking Sins You Must Never Commit

1. Avoiding face to face contact
In a networking event,you will get to meet a lot of people from diverse backgrounds. This means that you have to introduce myself to people regardless of whether you are an outgoing person or not.
When you are in such an event, make a point of talking to one or two strangers and always portray confidence. This will ensure you get the contact details of people who can help you in your job search.
2. Being too self centered
Networking is about forming mutually beneficial relationships. If you are too focused with yourself instead of others, you are not doing it right. When you meet someone, ask them questions and avoid dominating the whole conversation. It is fine to answer questions they have about you, but don’t dwell so much on yourself.
You should also not only focus on how the people there will help you but also how you can help others as well. When you help people they will more inclined to help you as well.
3. Not meeting enough people
Instead of than having long discussions with just a few people, you can opt to schedule follow-up meetings with them and then proceed to meet more people.
By meeting a variety of people, it can be easy to make a decision on which contacts will be beneficial in your career and which won’t and also it will never hurt to have more connections.
4. Dressing inappropriately
If it’s a networking event you are attending, dressing professionally is something you should always do. After all you are trying to get a job, you are not going out with your friends.
Remember your first impression matters a lot and no one will take you seriously if you are dressed inappropriately. Remember, you have to look and act the part so you can convince others that you’re ready to be a professional.
5. Not following through
So you have met all this people and taken their contact details, if you don’t contact them however, they will be of no real help to you. you need to make a point of contacting every contact you believe will be of use to your career.
Make the effort to follow up with your contacts once a month via email or phone. Depending on whether you have online connections, you can also engage with them on social media platforms like Linked In.
By avoiding these signs, you may be surprised to see your career have a positive turn. Happy networking!