6 Guaranteed Ways Of Creating Wealth & Becoming A Millionaire In Kenya

6 Guaranteed Ways Of Creating Wealth & Becoming A Millionaire In Kenya

Becoming a millionaire in Kenya is not as impossible as you may presume. Many have done it and in legitimate ways starting from just an idea that was made a reality.
Examples of these people are James Mworia of Centum, Peter Muthoka (Acceler Global Logistics), Pius Ngugi (Kenya Nut Company) among others.
Let’s look at these 6 ways you can become a millionaire in Kenya
1. Focus; have a goal and a strategy
Do not be a person who is constantly swayed by the wind. Have your goals set and maintain focus.
Please note that there will be a lot of distractions especially when it comes to your finances.
You have to be frugal enough to know where your monies need to go and whether those areas are elevating you to achieve your goal.
Read This >>> Becoming a millionaire at a young age in Kenya
2. No more excuses
The more excuses you make, the more you’ll find yourself derailing your dream of becoming a millionaire. Excuses are simply ways you create imaginary limitations and you make believe your dream is virtually impossible.
When I was transitioning from employment to entrepreneurship, I constantly found myself making excuses as to why I was not good enough, or how I wasn’t ready, how I did not have enough capital to start, how I would survive without a steady income etc.
While doing this, others were making the first step by taking risks and that’ when i gained a mind shift!
Resist the temptation to make excuses as to why you are not doing what should and just go for it. Don’t be afraid of failing. It happens.
3. Cultivate a positive outlook on life
Success begins in the mind. Strive to change your mind-set. Tell yourself that you can achieve anything you set out to and accomplish.
Negative and pessimistic thoughts will ruin your vision, goal and focus. Also, do not be deterred by your failures. They only serve to make you stronger and avoid repeating mistakes.
To become a millionaire in Kenya is indeed very possible. Why? The opportunities and resources are endless. All you need to tap into is a niche, capitalize on it and believe you can achieve your ultimate goal.
4. Avoid negative energy
Negative people and their negative energy will pollute your positive mindset. Avoid individuals who always see problems and never solutions.
These are fault finders who will always be there to tell you how being a millionaire is not possible especially in Kenya, offering you statistics of how they’ve failed before among many others.
Instead, surround yourself only with those who believe in your dream and are willing to offer help and insights into how you can make the dream of being a millionaire a reality.
5. Learn how other millionaires have made it
Be prompt in learning from other people’s experiences. Ensure that you do your research into how other Kenyan millionaires and entrepreneurs have made it. Read and research about how they identified their passion and what steps they took to achieve their dream.
You will find that many of them failed but refused to roll over and let failure hinder their success.
Must See >>> Proven ways of turning failure into success
You will also find that a single idea transformed into a reality because these Kenyan millionaires never lost sight of the vision. They kept going even when the odds were against them and they never allowed negative thoughts to consume them.
Please note
It’s not just about making it in Kenya as a millionaire, it’s also about why do want to become a millionaire. You must have a financial plan that will catapult you from simply being a millionaire to being a multi-millionaire!
Esther Kamau works as a Communication Officer at Corporate Staffing services, a HR recruitment firm offering FREE job placement and recruitment. For more information reach her on esther@corporatestaffing.co.ke.