FIDA Kenya Program Officer Jobs
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FIDA Kenya Program Officer Jobs
Program Officer Job at FIDA Kenya
Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Kenya) is a non-profit, non-partisan Organization committed to a society that respects and upholds women’s rights through the provision of legal aid, mediation services, women’s rights monitoring, advocacy, education and awareness creation.
Women with disability are strongly encouraged to apply.
Reports to: Senior Programme Officer
- Taking lead in ensuring that women’s rights, gender and gender mainstreaming principles and practices are mainstreamed in project activities with a specific attention to rights of women and children with disability.
- Designing and implementing program work plans per activity as per the set project proposal outcomes and outputs with constant tracking of the program budget.
- Build and sustain effective partnerships with government, like-minded organizations and other civil societies towards the promotion of program objectives.
- Contributing towards resource mobilization through proposal writing and research to ensure sustainability of the project.
- Design legislative and policy advocacy tools and activities related to the progression and rights of persons with disability in Kenya.
- Participate in national, regional and international women’s rights forums
- Supporting the linkage between women with disability organisations and women led/rights organizations advocating for women’s rights in program activities.
- Must be a holder of a Bachelor’s degree in social science.
- MUST have2 years post qualification experience in managing projects.
- Strong understanding and experience on gender mainstreaming, development and inclusion with a main focus on women with disability.
- Women with disability are strongly encouraged to apply.
How to Apply
Interested candidates who fully meet the above requirements should send their applications that includes a cover letter indicating suitability for the position applied for and expected salary,updated Curriculum Vitae listing three referees one of whom must be a former employer,and daytime contact.
The application should be addressed to the undersigned to be received by 5.00 pm on 1st February 2018.
Only email applications will be considered and only successful candidates will be contacted.
Send the email to:
The Executive Director
FIDA Kenya
Amboseli road, off Gitanga Road
P.O. Box 46324-00100
FIDA Kenya is an equal opportunity employer.
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