How To Ace Aptitude Tests For Safaricom Jobs

With the current saturation in the job market, employers have devised mechanism to intellectually sieve half-baked graduates from those who can really perform their work responsibilities.
Safaricom jobs are among the top job opportunities around Kenya that requires interviewees to undertake this tests before they proceed to the main interview process.
After initially getting CVs and cover letters from their applicants and whittling down the list to a manageable number, Safaricom HR recruiters then give an aptitude test to a sizeable number of job seekers before finally subjecting them to an oral interview. Here’s what you need to know about aptitude tests.
Aptitude tests are structured systematic ways of evaluating how people perform on tasks or react to different situations.
The most commonly used set of cognitive tests includes – abstract/conceptual reasoning, verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning. So how do you ensure that you are not among the lot that is sifted into the ground?

4 Great Tips To Pass Your Safaricom Jobs Aptitude Tests

1. Practice Aptitude tests online.
Unlike your campus CATS and end of semester exams where you had to trans-night, cram or even carry handouts to the exam room, aptitude tests measure your quantitative and verbal skills.
Some also believe that aptitude tests measure intelligence, although this is something that is increasingly being disputed. It is unlikely you will find any college or university level questions in an aptitude test. Take several online aptitude test to jumpstart your general knowledge prior to this experience.
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2. Excellence speed and accuracy is of great importance
Your aptitude test score will be made up of a combination of speed and accuracy.  They might appear very cheap but tricky. You might even find yourself enjoying the simple questions and wondering if its really a test. However, the catch is that you will have to be extremely fast in answering the questions while ensuring that you answer the questions correctly.
It’s important not to haphazardly guess to try and finish all the questions.  Work carefully and as quickly as you can.  The more questions you practice the quicker you will get.
3. Ask the assessor for information on the type of test you’ll be sitting.
You have the right to ask what sort of aptitude test you’ll be expected to sit, how long it will be and where you’ll have to sit it (it might be at home or at an assessment centre). This information is essential to mentally prepare yourself for this test. Its also essential for you to inquire and know what you are to carry along for the test.
4. Don’t get bogged down on a question.
If you get stuck on a question, don’t let the clock run down, move on, you might find the next question easier and you’ll pick up more marks by moving on. If you think a question is going to take a really long time, flag it and if possible come back to it.   Some questions can be really time-consuming and you may be better off coming back to it.
This is where your intelligence is put to test.
In general, while the exact role of the aptitude test is to gauge intelligence and determine your suitability for the jobs at Safaricom Centre, the company is increasingly using it as a screening tool, which is why you must give it your best, especially if the other parts of your application are not as outstanding.
Judith Moraa works at Corporate Staffing Services – a HR Consulting Firm that provides recruitment and FREE job placement service. For more information, visit their website on
