This Is The Kind Of Public Speaking That Gets You Ahead In Life

This Is The Kind Of Public Speaking That Gets You Ahead In Life

By Esther Kamau
Public speaking…you probably dread it as I much as I used to!
Do you ever find yourself so caught up in finding out what you need to do become more confident as a public speaker?
Are you the kind of person who in a meeting always sits at the back and never speaks unless spoken to?
And when you have to speak before a crowd do you get so nervous you feel like you’ll faint or your stomach turns, or worse still…everything you wanted to say suddenly disappear?
I used to be like that…then I wasn’t anymore.
This Will Help You >>> How I FINALLY overcame my fear of public speaking
Today I will take you through a crash course in the kind of public speaking that actually works.
Now I know you have probably watched plenty of videos and read articled on how to become a good public speaker.
And you’re probably wondering how this is any different.
Well, I will show you how this particular kind of public speaking actually get you ahead in life
#It’s all about knowing and winning your crowd…
Whether you are in a meeting, delivering a presentation on a product or service or simply giving a speech, you must be able to know who you are targeting and how to win their attention.
So how do know your crowd? By identifying their needs and concerns. For instance does your audience need a spoon or a fork? What matters to them?
How do you win your crowd? It’s all about how you present and position yourself as an expert. Your language MUST be right, you MUST have a good poise and good command of the language. Avoid speaking too fast or too slow.
And also, use some humor to lighten the mood. MUST be in good taste.
Do this and you will begin to reap the immense benefits of being an effective public speaker.
You will gain networks and advance in life even as you continue to learn.
#Speak to influence and motivate
The secret you must know about public speaking is that it has the ability to influence and to motivate as well as change behavior.
Case in point, have you been in a meeting where your boss was brainstorming for ideas but you didn’t speak up only to have the same idea expressed by a more confident colleague?
How did you feel? Probably, “I wish I just said it!”
So in essence the credit that would have gone to you goes to someone else.
In the end, this person who had the same idea as you manages to convince the boss to take up the new idea and suddenly the company begins performing well and he is promoted.
I’ll let you know that this persona probably gets nervous as well, but he has realized it’ more important to speak up than not speak at all.
And that’s what you need to do to get ahead as well. Speak up! I mean what’s the worst that could happen?
#You are the expert!
Assume you are going to do a presentation on IT systems for you company to a bunch of Human Resource personnel.
Do they really know as much as IT as you do? Probably not.
Remember you are the expert. You must sell with courage and knowledge as well as purpose to inform your audience.
Confidence to speak comes from knowing you are the expert!
This Training On Public Speaking Is For You…
If you want to learn more on how to speak effectively as a public speaker, Corporate Staffing Services invites you for the Public Speaking Training this coming Friday (9th) March from 5:30 p.m.
The guest trainer will be CEO, Human Resource expert and media mogul – Perminus Wainaina.
I would encourage you attend by registering on this link.
Come network and learn!
I will be there, will you?
Ms. Esther works for Corporate Staffing Services as a Training Specialist in matters passing job interviews Effective Communications Skills and Personal Branding. To get in touch with her please email her at