C.S.S Public Speaking Open Day: A Proven Solution To Public Speaking Anxiety & Building Good Professional Confidence

C.S.S Public Speaking Open Day: A Proven Solution To Public Speaking Anxiety & Building Good Professional Confidence

It’s A confidence Building Week At Corporate Staffing Services
What are the thoughts that cross your mind when you’re the one to speak next in a public forum?
Will I make it? What if I make a mistake? Will they listen to me? What are they expecting from me? Do I really want to do this? Will I perform like him? Why am I sweating? Oh my fingers are trembling!
Now listen, if you’ve ever wanted to enjoy all the benefits that comes with a more confident you, now’s the time to do something about it.
This week, you can save yourself the hassle sweaty palms, anxiety, fear of the unknown and low confidence by attending a completely transformative Public Speaking Open Day at Corporate Staffing service for an investment of a thousand bob only!
Can you imagine this!
Picture yourself addressing a multitude with confidence, commanding authority in boardrooms and leading your team with absolute charisma!
The C.S.S Public Speaking Open day is custom made specifically for you if you are the kind of person who always sits at the very back in a meeting and never speaks unless spoken to.
It is also for you if you always feel like you have great ideas to put across but you can never master enough confidence to speak up, you get so nervous and almost sickly at the thought of having to make a presentation or speech  you even ‘fear’ putting yourself ‘out-there’ and always keep second guessing yourself?
If you are this person, then we’ve reserved a seat for you during the open day.
We shall take you through a thorough self-analysis phase to determine what you are most afraid of about public speaking.
Just ask yourself the following questions?

  • How do I improve my confidence level while speaking in public?
  • What key steps also can I take to improve my speaking voice as well?
  • What is the best position for my hands when I am speaking?
  • How do I keep my audience wide and awake during a technical PowerPoint presentation?
  • What devices of style can I employ to connect with a difficult audience?
  • How do I handle the rejections from such audience?
  • Must I open the floor for questions? Is it before or after I conclude?
  • How should I hold a microphone?
  • What is the one proven way to manage public speaking anxieties?

Answers to these questions will be delivered to you during the Corporate Staffing Services Public Speaking Open day that will be held on this Friday the 18th May 2018.
This dynamic ‘Communicate With Confidence & Master Business Presentation Skills’ open day will fuel your confidence and arm you with proven techniques to drive more effective speeches and presentations at work and meetings to avoid the embarrassment that comes with anxiety and nervousness.
What else can you ask for?
With Just a registration fee of KSH 1000 only payable through Mpesa Till No. 89560 we shall help you unlock your professional confidence.
Yes, it’s the one.
The opportunity you’ve been contemplating about.
To learn more about this extremely transformative event, you can talk to Esther by emailing her at esther@corporatestaffing.co.ke  or calling her at 0728 22 69 77.
Don’t wait… Grow your professional confidence. It might be just what you need for the next phase of your career!