Why ‘Do What You Love’ Is Not Necessarily Good Advice

Why ‘Do What You Love’ Is Not Necessarily Good Advice

By Michelle Wanjiku
The common advice given to people who are thinking about what career path to take is to do something they love and that they are passionate about. This is good advice but, it does not always apply to every position you take.
You might find yourself working in a position that you don’t particularly enjoy.  The job itself could be great in terms of the title but you find the responsibilities boring.
Yes, you need to ensure that your line of work is something you are passionate about but you don’t have to love every single job you have even if it is in the same line of work.
There is a reason why we get paid to work and that’s because, no matter how much you love your job, it is still work. There will be times you feel stressed and don’t want to go to work at all. This is normal and it doesn’t always mean that you need to start looking for a new job.
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You can learn to love what you do
Not everyone is lucky enough to pursue a career they want. Some people are forced into certain jobs because of unavoidable circumstances.
If you are one of them, it doesn’t mean that you should always be miserable at work because you are not doing something you love. Instead, take this opportunity to learn more about the job you are currently doing and see if you can learn to love the day to day duties.
No job is perfect
As much as we talk about finding your dream job, you will never find a job that you love 100 percent. There are bound to be some duties or aspects of your job that you find stressful and don’t enjoy at all.
For example, you could love event planning and enjoy doing it on a daily basis but you hate having to write reports on your events.
No matter what career you choose you might have to perform certain duties that you are not necessarily interested in. That is okay as long as the good parts of your job outweigh the tedious tasks.
You should only begin to worry when you find that you hate a majority of the responsibilities you are assigned and only enjoy a select few.
When it comes to your career, you don’t have to necessarily love every aspect of your job for it to be your dream career. It doesn’t matter what position you hold, work is work.
For example, you might think that being a flight attendant is a fun job because they get to travel around the world. However, to someone who works as a flight attendant even if they enjoy their job it is still tedious and they still have to work hard to achieve growth.
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It is impossible to enjoy what you do all the time, so just because there are some aspects of your job that you don’t enjoy, doesn’t mean that you should look for another job in the name of doing what you love.