8 Networking Tips To Use If You Want To Grow In Your Career

8 Networking Tips To Use If You Want To Grow In Your Career

By Lisa Osiako
Whether you are starting off or climbing up the ladder, people in your circle have a huge impact on your career growth and success.
In today’s job market, many opportunities that will come your way are as a result of networking. Knowing people in the right places could easily get you closer to your dream job.
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Here are a few tips that will definitely help you rock in networking, as you connect with other professionals:
1. Be specific and straight to the point
The first opportunity you get at making such contacts should leave an impression among the other professionals. The sooner you do it, the better for you, as you will be taken more seriously. Remember, even as you do this, your tone and language should remain polite. Maintain respect.
2. Choose your words carefully
Use words that are unique and will get people listening to you almost immediately. First impressions do matter, and the first few sentences where you introduce yourself are the most crucial. Avoid clichés and let your goal be to inspire charisma, and ultimately make people pay attention.
3. Set your expectations reasonably
In every relationship you make, know what you want to get out of it. However, keep your expectations to a minimum. Many times, when you demonstrate a willingness to pursue long-lasting friendships, connections come effortlessly. Remember, not all interactions will necessarily give you what you want.
4. Do not impose yourself
Many times in networking we assume that everyone wants to hear what we have to say. However, you cannot force someone to pay attention. If you try imposing yourself on professionals, they cut you off. Even as you attend social events, remember these are for creating networks and not necessarily to look for jobs. It is up to the other party to inquire more.
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5. Make quality networks
Quality networks do not necessarily mean that your networks must be many. They could be few, but with more impact.
A network is beneficial if both you and the other person benefit from each other’s referrals for business. Keep quality networks that can support your growth. Large networks are sometimes overwhelming and difficult to manage.
6. Be the benefactor
What is the reason behind you being in your current networks? Is it just to gain from others or to also offer what you have? It is always good to offer assistance to those in your network whenever you can, without expecting a favor in return.
7. Create networks within your networks
The essence of networking is always to create networks within your network. By this I mean you need to let other professionals know the range of services each member of your network circle offers.
For example, a human resource manager can establish a working relationship with a career coach.
8. Keep your networks up to date
Every time you network, it is good to record contact details and the type of business that the person offers. This will make it easier for retrieval any time you want to get in contact with them.
Also, make the most out of the people you meet at cocktails and workshops, among other social events. Every interaction should count regardless of whether it will lead to business growth or simply a friendship.
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In conclusion…
Always remember that the road to networking is not a difficult one. The goodness is that it is most likely going to expand your career scope, and help you climb that ladder easily.
In the end, you always stand to benefit more.