4 Excellent Career Networking Conversation Starters For 2019

4 Excellent Career Networking Conversation Starters For 2019

One of the advantage of a new year is the opportunity to have a fresh start!
It’s not a wonder so many people have a number of New Year resolutions from items like: losing weight, changing jobs, active reading etc.
And 2019 is no different!
This year will give your 365 days to make the best out of your career. If you are actively looking for a job or simply looking to change careers next year, then it’s high time you start practicing some networking tips.
Quick Read >>> Useful networking tips for career success
Career networking is a skill that takes time to perfect.
Do you find yourself in networking events but never know how to kick off a conversation?
Is it always hard for you to start off a conversation with a total stranger because you are unsure of what to say?
If this is you and you finally want to discover how to start off conversations with potential employers and get contacts in 2019, you are definitely in the right place!
Here are 4 simple yet effective conversation starters you can start using in your next networking event:
Starter #1: Use of your current environment
One of the best ways to start off a conversation in a networking event is to use the environment around you.
For instance, if you are attending a networking event in a high end place with all the right ambience, talk about the food, drinks, set-up, location etc.
Also refer to things like the weather and overall feel of the event, its purpose, planning and expected outcome.
Starter #2: Current affairs
Anything newsworthy can be used to break the ice during networking.
Start off a conversation with a politically hot topic or anything sensational that has been on the news lately.
Current affairs are fresh and still lingering in the minds of people therefore you want to leverage on this opportunity.
Start off with phrases like “what an interesting week it’s been for our politicians this past week!” or “have you seen what’s trending on the news this morning?”
This way you will have already captured the attention of the other person and only an interesting conversation can ensue afterwards.
Starter #3: Offer more compliments
While networking, avoid as much as possible focusing on yourself and focus on the other person. Once you use this starter, get to find out what your potential contact does, what fascinates, why they are there etc.
For instance: “what brings you here today?”, what was your highlight in this event?”, “which is the most exciting part of your career?” Such questions show genuine interest and eventually people start warming up to you.
Additionally, these questions will eventually apply to you when the other party starts asking you about your personal life and matters revolving around the networking event.
Starter #4: Be as random as you can!
Sometimes when you have nothing to say to total strangers, being random is more often than not the only conversation starter to use!
A random conversation (like the name suggests) is one that pretty much starts from absolutely nowhere!
You simply approach someone and say something like, “Hello, you look very familiar. I think we have met before at a previous networking event”
At this point, the other person will either say yes or no. Either way, you have already set the motion for a conversation. You can now be able to talk about matters beyond the pleasantries.
Also try approaching a group of people engaged in a conversation and say something casual like, “you all seem to be having a very interesting debate”.
Networking is an acquired skill for most…
Whereas these career networking conversation starters seem easy and basic, they truly work wonders!
Applying these tips in your next networking event has the ability to greatly advance your career in 2019.
Start practicing them now and you will be amazed at how many contacts you add to your professional circle next year!