How My First Internship Positioned Me For The Job I Have Today

How My First Internship Positioned Me For The Job I Have Today

For many students, internship opportunities are not easy to come by. You have to apply to numerous organizations and wait for feedback that many times, does not always come.

I recently had a chat with Anne, who interned at KBC. She gave me the details on how she landed an internship and some of the lessons it taught her that better placed her for her current job.

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What made you interested in interning at KBC?

Being one of the first broadcasting corporations in the country, I thought this would be better suited for me. My friend in campus who was also an intern there offered to take my documents with him as he went to work. I gave him my CV and waited for feedback.

How long did you wait before hearing from them?

It took a month before I got an email and a call letting me know that I had been selected to join the corporation as an intern. I had actually lost all hope.

Was there any payment you had to make?

Yes, as a degree holder, for each month I was there I had to pay the company Ksh. 1,000. Diploma holders pay Ksh. 700.

Which department were you allocated?

Initially, I was to join the radio department. At the last minute, however, I had to make a switch and go to the content writing department.

What exactly did your job entail?

I was writing and translating scripts from English to Swahili. I also had to edit audio recordings before forwarding them to the producer.

This is actually where I got to discover my talent in writing.

How long did you work for the company and what was the working environment like?

I interned with the company for three months.

The working environment for me was like any other. I had to do what was expected of me, with or without motivation. It was also an eye-opener for me on the inside job that goes on in media houses that the audience does not get to see.

There is a lot that goes on just to bring you the news you enjoy.

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What lessons did you learn?

The big take home for me was the importance of teamwork. Just about everything was unachievable without teamwork.

I also got to learn the practical aspect of what I had studied in school, and I believe this made me better placed at my current place of work.

Was it a paid internship?


Were you seeking other opportunities even as you interned at KBC?

Yes, I did not want to get too comfortable.

What is your advice to job seekers out there?

Always be willing to learn. Like I mentioned, I was to intern in the radio department. I had to change last minute and do content writing, something I didn’t know I could do. Therefore, do not limit yourself to just your area of expertise. How else will you learn and grow?
