Cleaner & Messenger Job
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Cleaner & Messenger Job
Cleaner Jobs, Jobs in Nairobi, Janta Kenya Jobs
- Be able to clean the Companies Offices, Cleaning the Workshops areas, and Staff Toilets.
- Delivery and collection of letters, documents and other duties that a messenger performs.
- In addition the candidate will assist in other duties the management directs.
- Certificate of Good conduct and a charter references will be required.
- Necessary K.C.S.E Academic qualification
- Ability to communicate verbally and be able to write.
- Be fluent in Kiswahili and English. Able to speak without accents is a must.
- MUST have knowledge of Nairobi and its Environs.
- Prior experience is an added experience
- Excellent computer skills, especially in word, excel, Web based research and computations of data bases.
- Attention to detail.
- Desire to be proactive and create a positive experience for others.
How to Apply
If you meet the above Requirements, Kindly send your CV to on or before 8th April 2019, clearly indicating “Cleaner/Messenger” on the subject line.
Categories: Other Professions
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