How I Got A Job After The Accounting Training

Getting a job as an accountant in today’s job market is not easy, especially with the market being flooded by qualified accountants.

Having the right skills, however, can give you a competitive edge.

I spoke to Marcus, who got a job at the beginning of the month. Marcus has been looking for a job since he graduated two years ago.

He has gotten a few contracts, but nothing that went for more than two months.

He joined the Practical Accounting Training at Corporate Staffing Services in order to grow his skills and become more employable.

Below is an interview Marcus had a while after finishing the training.

1. Why did you want to join the practical accounting training?

When I finished school, I thought I’d get a job.

Growing up, I always knew accounting was one of the few professions that you’ll always be guaranteed a job.

But when I joined the workforce, I found it was much harder to get a job. I wanted to get skills that would increase my chances of getting the job.

2. What specific skills were you looking to gain for the training?

When I joined, I wanted to learn how to file taxes.

In every job I’ve applied to, I was always asked if I knew how to file taxes.

While I did have some knowledge, I didn’t know how to file taxes on iTax.

When I saw the training at Corporate Staffing could teach me how to file taxes on iTax, I had to join the training.

3. Did the training meet your expectations?

The training was amazing. The trainer, especially, moved at a relative pace.

If I did not understand something, I could ask and the trainer would repeat.

The other students too were very accommodating. I was able to make new networks and interact with professionals from the accounting sector.

4. Since the training, would you say what you learned has helped you?

Many times, we get called for training, only to be taught vague and abstract concepts. However, this training was very practical.

When I was called for an interview after the training, I spoke about my proficiency in filing taxes, as well as using the QuickBooks software.

The interviewer was even more impressed when I told them I knew my way around the payroll software.

The day after going for the interview, I got the job and I just started recently.

The skills that landed me this job are the ones I learned at the Practical Accounting Training at Corporate Staffing Services.

5. Would you advise another accountant to join the class?

Yes, every accountant should join the class.

Especially if you want to gain the skills that will put you ahead in your career. If you want to learn how to file taxes, use QuickBooks, and Payroll, this training is for you.

I liked the fact that I felt the value for the money I paid.

Register now for the next class starting on 27th May 20, 2019.
