Career In Project Management? What Employers Want

What do  employers want in a project manager?

Project management is an essential skill for any employee in today’s modern workplace. At some point in your career, you’ll likely be tasked with the successful execution of a project.

It is a complex and competitive field, if you are not sure where to start  here are some skills employers look for when hiring a project manager;

1. PMI Certification

PMI certification is the most valuable certificate programme. Employers looking to fill in a position of a project manager understand this.

Also, if you are looking to advance in your current job then this puts  you way ahead of your colleagues in terms of moving up the career ladder.

2. Problem Solving

Many times, a project is filled with struggle and uneasiness among other things. The best way to look at every tough situation is to consider it as a challenge that will help you grow. Employers want a project manager who can handle any challenge and look for the best solutions using every angle that exists.

3. Leadership 

You need to have great leadership skills. Employers look for a project manager who can successfully lead a team, keeps them on task, motivates them and supports them through any challenge that may arise.

4. Prioritization

What is the ultimate goal of the project you are handling?

A good project manager knows how to look at a list of tasks and prioritize them in order of importance and timeliness.

5. Risk Management

Projects are subject to risks, things can go wrong at any time and for that you need to be prepared. Your employer expects you to foresee this risks and effectively respond to them in good time.

As a skilled project manager, you need to assess the situation and find quick and effective solutions before things go out of hand.



So if you are ready to be that project manager who gets hired at the first interview then sign up for this Project Management Training to have a successful and fulfilling project management career.

See you there!
