How To Make The Gaps In Your CV Work For You
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How To Make The Gaps In Your CV Work For You
The volatility of today’s job market has brought about much job-hopping and time after time gaps. It has been said that gaps in one’s career will work against you; this is not always the case. Gaps in career might be as a result of unemployment, time out to raise children, go traveling, or to just take a deserved rest.
If you have gaps in your career, be honest about them at every stage of the recruitment process. Ensure that you angle the gaps in a way that they will work for you. Show how the gaps have enriched you as an individual and how that will help you deliver in your new role.
Here are 5 tips on how to make the gaps in your CV work for you
1. Spin things positively
Whatever reason that caused the gap in your career, present them in the most positive way possible. For example, rather than saying you took a break to travel the world, spin it and say; ‘I decided to take time off to travel the world and reassess my career and the direction I want to go. This has helped me get a clear perspective on my career and aligned my life goals in the new direction’.
Whatever caused the gap in your career, give it a positive spin to make the gaps in your CV work for you.
2. Effectively use your time
Demonstrate your ability to develop your career during the break. You are wondering what that means? Okay, if for example, your gap was as a result of redundancy, take up some volunteer work or enroll in a professional development course during this gap to develop new skills or enhance your current skills. Work to build your career despite the circumstance. Employers are keen to see people who are proactive despite their circumstances and such initiative will make the employer view you in a positive light.
3. Honesty is key on how to make the gaps in your CV work for you
Always be honest. Don’t let your past to come haunting you later on. Whatever the reason for the gap, acknowledge it and tell the truth. You do not have to go into details about the gap, keep it short with enough information as to the why.
I know what you are thinking about doing about covering the gap, don’t you dare. Altering the dates of your previous employment to cover the gap is a big NO! This is a lie that can come to haunt you. If your potential employer seeks for references from your previous employer, it goes without saying; your lie will be uncovered. This will definitely lead to you not getting that job despite how qualified you were.
4. Take advantage of formatting
Note, you don’t have to always include all of your work experience. Ten years of work experience is sufficient. Take advantage of this if the career gap does not fall in this range. This way of formatting your CV will ensure that you make the gaps in your CV work for you. Get a professional CV writing service provider to help you in formatting if in doubt.
Another way on how to make the gap in your CV work for you is by listing your work experience in years rather than in months. How? Instead of writing Jan 2013 – Oct 2014 rather write 2013-2014, got it? Good.
If your work experience does not provide room to conceal the gap, you will need to address it; your CV might not be the right place though. Include a small note on the gap in your work history, and explain it further in your cover letter.
5. Prepare for the interview
If your application is successful and you are invited for an interview, the gap question will probably feature in the interview. It is important that you have an answer ready.
Interview preparation is vital if you will need to ace that job, research on the company and align your answer to its vision, mission, and values.
Your answer should acknowledge and explain the gap in the most positive way. Show how the gap has prepared you for the job at hand and that your gap has not watered down your knowledge of the industry.
Gaps in your CV should not spell doom for your career; you just need to know how to make the gaps in your CV work for you.
Is your Cv getting you interviews? Contact our CV writing department for a free professional CV review today. email your CV to cvwriting@corporatestaffing.
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